The grand escape

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Thomas POV
I ran away from my little sister. She had been crying and screaming for Newt. And I felt like it was my fault he was dead.

I'd let them all come along. I'm the reason he's dead. I'm the reason my little sister just lost the love of her life.

I have to do something right

So I made my way back to WICKED

But unbeknownst to me, Y/N was risking her life to save Newts.

Your POV
I fell on top of Newt. Panting, and gasping trying to fill my burning lungs with the sweet air. Tears stung my eyes. And my body lay there, exhausted.

I didn't care. I had to save him. I had to save Newt. I told myself repeatedly

"Gally get her" I heard a voice, it sounded like Brenda.
But the voice sounded distant, far too distant.

Weren't they standing right beside me?

Darkness clouded my vision and I welcomed it.

I was in an endless green field. I looked around, surveying my surroundings.
"The glade?" I asked aloud.
"That's right" a masculine voice said behind me

I spun around quickly. And there stood Alby, and Chuck.

I was glued to the spot. Unable to comprehend what was happening

"Am I dead?" I asked
"No" Alby replied
"But you're both dead, how am I seeing and talking to you both?" I asked them
"We're not sure. We were called here, so we came" Chuck said stepping to me.

I felt my legs again, and I stepped to the little boy.
My arms wrapped around him.
"I miss you Chuckie" I whispered into his curls.
"I miss you too. But I'm happy, and I'm happy that you got to live" he answered

I sighed and pulled away, hugging Alby next.

"Okay. So I'm not dead, but yous are. So what am I doing here?" I asked looking around
"I'm not sure. But I think you were nearly dead shank." Alby smiled
My eyes widened
"Nearly dead." I thought looking at the ground

"NEWT!" I shouted finally

Alby and Chuck nodded

"Is he? Did I? Please say he's not" I said my brows furrowed and my eyes begging
"No he's not. You saved him. Impressive by the way. But you're here to chose she-bean. Live, or come with us" Alby said offering a hand
I stared at it

"I can go back?" I asked
"That's what he said no?" Chuck asked chuckling
I just smiled
"I guess so. But will I ever see you both again?" I asked

"Eventually." They said at the same time
"Not creepy" I mumbled and they laughed
"Okay times running out. A few things first" Alby said a hand on my shoulder
"Ohhh yay" Chuck clapped happily

I just furrowed my brow again at the two

"Relax, nothing bad." Alby said

"Firstly, I know I said it before, but, I'm not sad I died, I knew what I had to do. So when you get back, you tell them shanks I'm happy." He smiled at me
I just nodded
"Secondly, tell Thomas to relax. You're all safe now. He's done his part, he needs to live his life. Don't let him fall into misery Y/N, he'll be sad. But tell him I'll take care of her" he said then

I just tilted my head confused but nodded regardless.

"Thirdly. This is for you. I want you to live your life, with Newt, Gally, Minho, Thomas, Brenda. And everyone else. You survived, and you keep doing so okay? I want to see you happy, get married, have kids, heal the world." He said smiling brightly
"Don't live in the past. We'll always be with you. Watching and waiting" Chuck said happily

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