Saving Minho

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Your POV
I walked alongside Gally. "There" I said nudging my head to the trio walking down the hall.
"Let's go" Gally said, and we joined them. Making a box around the girl.

We walked and we came to a door with a finger scanner.
Teresa placed her thumb on the pad, and a red light scanned her finger.

It opened and we walked in, coming to a stairwell.
Thomas and I went down the steps, while The three stayed up top.
"Hold on, hold on, I can get in here" Gally stopped us, looking at a box of cables.
"Throw me the walkie" Thomas shouted up, and Gally tossed him the device.

"Frypan we're in, how we doing?" He asked
'Yeah yeah I'm getting there. Tell Minho hi for me' Fry replied
"Hang in there buddy" Thomas said and ended that line

Gally opened the door of the electric box grabbing something orange, I think
And he placed some weird device on it.

"Brenda what's your status?" Thomas asked the walkie
'As I said, working on it' she replied
"Copy. Make sure you're ready on your end" Thomas said
'Relax, you know I'm going to be there' she said and ended it

"Alright, let's go" Gally said closing the door thing
We ran down the stairs.

We ran down some halls again. And we came to a door. Teresa was about to open it, when it opened itself.
A guy stood there, and being the first at the front, I shot him.
The other guards noticed and came at us, so the four of us started to shoot them back.

"Get the kids" I shouted running to the first door, pulling it open.
I ripped off my mask, and smiled at the teens.
"Come on, you're safe don't worry. But we gotta go." I said nicely yet in a hurry to them. Herding them out the room.
I saw one girl I knew, Tracey. She'd been in Minho and I's pod when we were first caught.
"Tracey?" I asked walking to the girl
"Oh my god Y/N, you're alive" she shouted happily running to me.
The two of us hugged
"I'm alive yeah. I got rescued by my friends" I told her pointing to Gally cutting at a door, Thomas at the computers and Newt helping other kids.
"Which one is your Newt?" She asked

And at the mention of his name, Newt looked over at us.
"Huh?" He asked
"Him" I smiled at him.
"He's cute" Tracey said to me.
"He's a bit too old for you" I teased

"Okay take me to him right now." Thomas called out
"I'm coming with you" Newt said
"Stay" I said to Tracey running to the boys
"I'm coming too" I said
"No. Newt has to stay and wait with Gally for the serum" Thomas said
"Look you can't do this on your own. Minho comes first remember" Newt said to him
"Newt" I tried to get him to stay.

"Just go. We're wasting time. I'll get the serum, we'll meet you out back" Gally shouted over at us

"Fine let's go" Thomas said leading Teresa away.

Newt and I quickly put on our masks again.
"Hey Greenie. Good luck" Gally shouted over at us

"Yous take the lift, I'll take the stairs in case one of us gets stopped. What floor?" I asked Teresa
"Ninth, left wing" she said and I nodded.

"Dont die" I said to newt and ran off.

I ran to the stairs and used my powers to run faster.
Not even breaking a sweat I made my way up the twelve flights of stairs. The last door took me out directly in the labs.

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