The capture

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Your POV
I ran but the helicopter shot a bomb.
We all ran screaming trying to get away.
"NEWT!" I screamed scared

Wicked men dropped down and began to shoot at people. I wanted to help.
"Go Go" Mary shouted

We ran to a few barrels hiding
"Where's Thomas?" Fry shouted

"HARRIET! AMMO!" Vince shouted over everyone
"Vince! Harriet!" Minho shouted running to help the two
"Shuck Minho" I shouted running after him

"COME ON" Vince shouted
"Over here" Harriet said to us
"How can we help?" Fry asked
"You need to cover us!" Harriet told him
"ON IT!" I said

I stood in front of my friends, and I let my hands glow blue. And probably my eyes as well.
I felt the magic come out of me and swirl around us. I was deflecting any bullets coming our way. Lilo was using her sonic bark as well.

"Ammo! Hey do you know how to use this thing?" Vince asked handing the gun to Minho
"Cover me. This fifty's our only chance!" Vince said as he prepared the machine gun

Newt had a gun too now. And he was shooting down guards left right and centre.
"I ever tell you, you look hot with a gun?" I teased throwing blue fire at the enemy
"Y/N NOW ISNT THE TIME!" Fry shouted at me
"FINE, where's Thomas?" I shouted back

People were running all around us.

"Vince hurry up. There's too many of them" newt said as he nearly got shot
"Oh.... shit" the older man said
"I'm out!" Fry shouted holding up his gun
"STAY BEHIND ME FRY!" I shouted to him.
"HOLD LILO!" Newt shouted

One guard stood and threw a weird black beeping thing at us.
"Oh! Look out! Shit!" Vince cried out
But it went off and we we're all electrocuted down

I was shaking still, trying to move to Newt. To hold up my hands. But I couldn't move.

Guards surrounded us, and lifted us up. Moving us to the other kids.
"NEWT!" I screamed as they moved me away from him
"NO!" I shouted
"ITS OKAY LOVE IM HERE IM HERE" he said as we were put beside each other
I sighed in relief as Minho was out beside us too, and Frypan. And lilo was being held down

They started to scan our necks, naming us out.
"A-2b" the guy said
"Where Thomas?" Janson called out
"Right here" the boy in question said walking over to us
A guard grabbed him and shoved him forward
"Thomas" Janson said
He then grabbed him and punched him in the gut, so my cousin doubled over in pain

"Get him in line" Janson said
And my big brother figure sat down beside me, I was able to move my hands, so I was holding his.

Janson walked to a guard, and i faintly heard him say "bring her in"

We sat there watching not able to do anything

"Why didn't you run?" Minho asked
"I'm tried of running" my cousin said

Then a giant aircraft came, with lights and large propellers
"Shuck this isn't going to be good" I mumbled

The door open and out walked 4 guards and one whitely dressed Ava Paige
She walked straight to Janson

"Is this all of them?" She asked
"Most of them. It'll be enough" he replied to her
"Start loading them in" Ava said
"Yes ma'am" Janson said walking off

"Okay you heard, let's go. Get em on!" He shouted out.
And the guards began to grab the kids

Thomas was pushed forward to Ava
"Hello Thomas" she said
He didn't reply, but Teresa walked over.
"I'm glad you're safe" Ava said to her

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