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Your POV
I woke up really warm. I went to lift my arm to rub my eyes, but when I lifted my arm it hit something hard yet soft.
I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes and I saw a body. A chest covered by an orange tank top.
Then I remembered, I asked Newt if I could sleep with him last night.

I tried to wiggle out of his tight grip. Newts arm was holding me against his chest, like how a child holds a teddy bear.
I did find it extremely adorable when he whimpered in his sleep when I tried to move away. After a few more failed attempts I just gave up and stayed cuddled up with the blonde.

While I was beside his chest it gave me a chance to look at his chain. Just like me dream the last day it was a small silver tube. I was able to make out a small circle where it was clearly meant to open, but I didn't want to do it since it was Newts letter.

I soon fell back asleep.

I woke up a while later to a softness on my head. My eyes fluttered open taking in newts awake face.
I felt myself blush red.
"Morning Y/N" he said his voice raspy, causing butterflies to explode in my stomach
"Hi Newt" I whispered to him

I didn't know why I was so shy now. It was just Newt. The boy I was in love with but forgot, but now I remember again and that love has resurfaced.

I was embarrassed so I buried my face in the pillow we were sharing.
"So want to tell me what had you so worried last night that you came in here?" He asked me gently.
"Ihmpamtm" I said into the pillow
A hand on my chin pulled my face away from the pillow and to look into the boys face.

His blue eyes shined with care, curiosity and love.
The last made me choke on my breath nearly, did he feel the same way?
"Okay" I whispered

He lay patiently waiting for me to explain.
"I've had memories come back to me when I'm asleep, I don't know why but I know they're memories." I started
"So the last day....?" He asked
I just nodded "yeah, I remembered" I said
"Oh" he replied

"So the first memories I got were in the box, they were just memories of me and Gally. As kids, as a bit older, and just in between I guess. Nothing special. But two nights ago I had that dream." I stopped thinking of the best way to word this
"I remembered you Newt. We used to be friends, good friends. And you were hugging me saying everything would be alright, then these guards came back dragged you away, some of them held me. But you were taken away, and I screamed at them to stop, but they didn't. I broke down crying and Gally and another boy came and helped me. I don't remember after that exactly so I think I was asleep." I stopped again letting him take in the information.

"Okay" he said allowing me to continue the story

"Then I saw another memory. Me in a weird room filled with screens and technology. I used to watch you and I'd randomly talk. And yesterday I had another one. I remembered your birthday. August 14th in case you wanted to know. But we had a muffin and presents.-" i retold but I was cut off by the blonde
"We?" He asked
"Oh sorry, me, you, Gally, Minho and another boy, Thomas I think" I told him, when he nodded I continued
"Anyway we were celebrating when guards came and took Minho away. Similarly to you. He was taken to the maze. We all cried but soon stopped. I gave you a chain and I had my own one." I said showing my necklace.

Realization hit Newts face like a rock. He knew where his chain came from now.

"Um they were my grandparents. Me Gally and the boy all decided to give you them for luck. And that's it" I finished. I didn't want to tell him about the memories from the kiss yet.

"Wow that's a lot." Newt mumbled
"I know. That and the letter is why I couldn't sleep my mind was racing" I said as I curled up comfy again
"Letter?" Newt asked
"Right sorry I'm forgetful. In my necklace I found a letter." I explained as I took the letter out my locket

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