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Your POV
It's been more than a few weeks now.
It's been exactly two year and 11 months since I came up in the box.

And hasn't life been crazy since.

I'd definitely grown up.
I had grown taller, my hair gotten so long at one point that I had taken a dagger and cut it off, so I had shoulder length hair.
My body had changed too, not drastically but a small bit.

My face was more defined now as well. My cheekbones were clearer without all my baby fat. I'd become very fit, I even had abs. Perks of being a runner.

Not only had I changed but so had the boys around me.
Gally grew taller a bit. And he'd filled out from lifting all the heavy materials for being a builder.
Minho had become stronger as well from running with me daily.
Alby grew taller and more muscular.

But the one I was always gobsmacked with was Newt.

Oh Lordy how he glowed up.
I remembered the phrase a while back and I knew it was applied to him.

He grew taller. So much taller than me that the top of my head just about came to his eyes brows. Before we were eye level.
His chubby cheeks had disappeared leaving his well shaped face. Strong jaw and nice cheekbones. His eyes stayed the same. Those adorable chocolate brown orbs.
He grew more muscular as well. Not a lot, but just the perfect amount.

How he affected me now, it was unbelievable how much just looking at him would make me excited.

Our relationship only grew. And everyone could see it. We were inseparable.
Some of the other boys had tried to talk to me in the beginning, when they came up in the box.
But they didn't get close, Newt, Gally and Minho would chase them away from me.
Something I was completely capable of doing myself, but I let them show their masculinity.

It was cute how protective my two brothers and boyfriend were of me.
He had even moved into my room, we gave his room up for another glader.

About a year ago Minho and I finished the entire maze. And we'd found yet another section. And we'd just finished mapping it three months ago. It was weird though, like it had just been built.
It was simple enough.

Just big metal things, we called them 'the blades', because that's what they looked like. But they never moved. Not once.

We'd come to the conclusion that there was no way out. We've mapped the entire maze. Every inch. And we've found absolutely nothing.

The closest we've ever gotten to escaping is when we tried to climb the wall.
I climbed up with Minho, and I used my powers to float upwards.

But just like the first time I was trapped in the maze I fell back to the wall.
I couldn't even get myself over the wall. It was just too tall.
"See anything?" Minho asked
"No, it's the same as last time. Sand everywhere nothing for miles" I told him catching my breath.

And we've tried countless ways out.
Climbing over the wall, but the ivy broke half way up and the kid that had volunteered fell and died on impact.
That was a sad day.
We tried going in the box, lowering someone into box hole, and jumping after it, but it just froze and would come back up.

We've tried digging under the walls.
Building a ladder.

Everything we could've possibly tried we attempted. And every time we tried something we lost a kid.

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