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Your POV
I woke up the next day fully refreshed. I did have a nightmare last night but it wasn't as bad at the day before.

Just like the last one it felt like a memory. But this one was of newts birthday, me, gally, newt, Minho and another boy all sitting around a room with a small muffin and presents.
We had sung happy birthday to him and he was thanking everyone for the presents.
But then similarly to yesterday guards came and took Minho away. And gally had to hold me back while the boy held newt back.

Minho was taken from us on Newts birthday. How horrible.

But the dream became better as I saw myself give newt a chain and there was a matching necklace for me
"These used to be our grandparents. I thought maybe it could be some good luck?" I told him handing him the chain. Then pointing to Gally and the boy.
"I love it thanks love." Newt said hugging me.
"Not just me, it was actually Thomas's idea." I said into newts shoulder. He let go and hugged the two boys as well.

And then the dream ended.

Now that I was awake I decided to get up and start the day early.
I put on my new boots and went to the kitchen.

I found some eggs, bacon strips and salt. So I decided scrambled egg and bacon would be good.
I had just finished dishing out the food when Alby and Minho came in. I saw newt and gally in the distance.
"Morning boys" I greeted them cheerfully
"Morning" Minho returned grabbing his plate and sitting down.
"You're up early" alby said also sitting
"Yeah I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep" I told them as I sat down too.

A few minutes later Gally and Newt joined us. Both of them in either side of me. I caught a glimpse of a sparkle on Newts neck but didn't think anything of it.

"You both are running today. I'll be showing these two shanks the jobs." Abby asked the two other boys.
"Yeah, unless you need us to stay." Newt told him while Minho nodded along.
"Good that, and I think I'll manage." Alby said finishing his food.

I noticed all the boys were in their new clothes, and they smelt better too.
Finally I'm not trapped with smelly boys anymore I thought giggling to myself.

"What's funny?" Gally asked
"Nothing, just thinking to myself" I replied standing and taking my plate to the sink.
The five plates were stacked and I quickly washed them and had Gally put them away for me. I had successfully convinced Alby that the boys had to help me keep the Glade clean. I even got Minho to brush the floor.

"Okay, we need to go now, the doors are about to open." Minho said putting a sandwich, an apple and a water flask in his bag. He then ran to the doors.
Newt also put everything in his bag and began to run away.

"I'm going to say bye at the door Alby. I'll be back!" I shouted as I ran after the two

The two boys were standing at the concrete walls. A loud scraping noise bouncing off the Glade walls.
"Oh hey she bean." Minho said as I stopped running
"Hi Min Min." I said cheekily
"Really? Min Min?" He asked
"Better than she bean." I retorted
"Touché" he said sarcastically looking at the wall

I looked at Newt, I then saw the silver chain around his neck. I saw it yesterday too actually when he had his shirt off. But now I knew what it was.

"You'll be careful right?" I asked him grabbing his hand.
He looked down at me with a smile.
"Of course love. I'll be back before you know it." He said squeezing my hand back, making me lightly blush
"I'll hold you to that" I said wrapping him in a hug. His arms went around my waist holding me close "come back to me" I whispered in his ear. And I felt him nod as response.

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