The maze

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Your POV
Yesterday we had finished the roof on the homestead. With my powers I was able to float up the tools for the boys and used my powers to help me work. So we finished the whole roof.

I had them spent the rest of the day playing with my powers.
I had also started talking to Newt in my mind a lot, the sensation of telepathy just seemed so natural. Newt had even found a way to reply to me, so we just had plain conversations over our minds.

Last night I had gotten the same nightmare of Newt being taken from me. But this time the boys knew why I was screaming for Newt in the middle of the night. They had come running but then left when Newt was able to wake me up. I had cried into his shirt for a half hour.
We fell asleep together. And I had gotten a memory again.

"Tom we have to. It's what's best for them, you've seen the world it's dying. We have a real chance here to save our children" a lady had said
"Julia you want to give our kids away. What when they find out about Y/N's powers or Thomas's powers. You really think they'd be safe with my families blood!" A man shouted

Gally Thomas and I were sitting in the living room of our small house on the sofa with a blanket on our laps.
Newt had left a few hours ago.

"Shush they'll hear. They're coming and we can't stop them now, we can just prepare them" the lady said

Two adults walked in the room.
"Mumma?" Gally said
"Papa?" I asked the man
"Okay I know this is hard to understand, but you need to pay attention. You three are going somewhere to keep you safe, we will join soon. But for a while it's just you three. Gally I want you to take care of your sister. And Tommy will take care of you." The lady said
The man knelt down to my eye level
"Sweetie. You are special, okay. They will want you the most, so you can't show them your powers. Only Gally and Thomas and Newt can know okay. When you are a big girl you will understand, but you are special, very special. You my little princess have magic blood. You have the gift. Do you remember the story of Merlin and the knights of the round table?" The man asked me
I just nodded "yes papa. The magic man." I said
"Yes princess. You came from him, his magic flows through you, and Tommy. Gally is special too, but he won't be the same. Promise me you'll be careful" the man said to me

But then the door was knocked down and armored men came in. Taking me, my brother and cousin from our parents

The two adults started crying and waving to us. They were my parents
I screamed and kicked out to go home. But the guard held me tightly
We were taken to a black van, the guards ushered us in. I quickly moved over to my brother and big cousin in the corner.
Then another boy was brought in, Newt.

I knew his messy blonde hair, and his shouts from anywhere. He was put in the van and the door was shut.
"Please I want my mama!" Little Newt had cried out hitting the door with his fists.
"MAMA!" He shouted
My little heart broke for my best friend.

"Newtie, we're here too." I whispered from my brothers arms.
"Y/N? Gally? Tommy?" He asked turning to us
The three of us nodded and he rushed over to join our hug.

We drove for ages. Then we stopped and were rushed into a big builder.

Then I woke up. Newts protective arms wrapped around me.
I wiped my stray tear, I remember my parents and they gave me away. To WCKD.

And my father told me my powers were special and he said in my blood. Did that mean he had powers too?

I unwrapped Newts arm from my waist and I got out the bed.
I threw Newts white jumper on and my boots. Then I made my way outside.

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