The maze

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Your POV
I ran to the deadheads. And I climbed up my treehouse.

The little hut had become, mine, Newts and Minho's secret spot. Where we could go to be alone.

I sat in the corner and cried.
When I eventually heard someone climbed the ladder. 
A tuft of blonde hair poked over the edge then a face. Newt.

"Awww love" he chooed stepping forward to me. I just crawled over to him and lay in his arms crying. He wrapped me up in a hug.
"What happened? We just saw Gally and you talking then next thing he snaps at you" newt said
I slowly stopped crying. I looked at Newt with big red puffy eyes.

"We were talking. I was asking if he remembers Thomas. And he said yeah but only that he didn't like him, so he asked if I remembered him. And I told him he's our cousin." I explained
"Right?" Newt said still confused
"Then I said he was like a brother to us and I asked him to be nice" I kept explaining
Newt sighed

"He snapped because he thought you were trying to replace him? Am I right?" Newt asked and  I nodded.
I burst into tears again.

"He told me to stay away Newt. He hates me" I cried into his chest
"No love, he doesn't hate you. He's your twin he could never hate you. He's just upset" he says into my hair.
"Now let's stop crying, and we can head back. And we can go to bed early and we can get lots of cuddles together and with Lilo. I'm pretty sure Fry has some of those gummy worms leftover" newts said pulling me to look into his eyes
"Yeah, that sounds good" I replied sniffling
"Okay. Let's go down. I'll get the worms. You head up to bed" he said

We walked through the forest, hand in hand.
I calmed down a bit. But I was still really upset.
My brother told me to stay away from him.

Ever since we came up in that box, even in the box, we had been inseparable. But now. We had our first major fight.
All our past fights have just been bickering about stupid things.
This was the cherry on the cake though.

We walked out the trees. And we casually walked to the homestead. Some of the boys gave us curious looks, some of them looks sad and worried at me.

I saw Minho and Thomas with Alby.

Newt left me to the kitchen, but I kept walking.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Gallys group of friends. And he was in the middle. But he looked depressed.
And my heart ached.

Maybe what he said hurt him just as much? I thought

He looked over at me, but since I was watching him from the corner of my eye as I walked, it looked like I was ignoring him. Just like he told me to.

I walked up to my room. And I quickly put on my pjs. I sat on my bed waiting for Newt.

Soon he came. Lilo beside him. He was carrying to cups of water, and the worms.

He placed the cups on the shelf. He kicked off his shoes and joined me on the bed, handing me the worms, and my own glass.

"Thanks" I whispered gulping the liquid.
He chuckled at me.

We sat talking for a while. And eating the leftover sweets.

"Do you think we will find an exit?" I asked him as we lay on the bed, lilo at our feet.
"Of course we will. You always figure everything out Y/N" newt said
"What if I do?" I asked turning to face him.
"Then we can start our life together. Maybe get a house either on a mountain of beside the beach. And we can have a big garden. And grow our own plants, just like here. And we can get married, and one day have kids maybe" he said thinking aloud. His eyes looked happy. And his lips were tugged up in a smile
"I love you Blondie" I said kissing him
"I love you too my little firefly" he replied

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