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Your POV
I woke up feeling a lot better.
I swung my legs out of the bed and quickly tied up my boots.
I grabbed my green hoodie and made my way downstairs.

I found the keepers all standing around with Thomas in the middle. They looked like they were waiting
"Finally, I was starting to think we'd have to send someone to wake you up shank" Minho said from his spot by Thomas.
"Nah I'm good" I smiled at him

"Okay let's start shall we?" Gally snapped at us making me frown slightly
I had no idea why he was being like this. The past two weeks he's been so ratty with everything and everyone. And it was starting to really annoy me.
I just took my place beside Minho and waited for the blonde to talk.

"What did I miss?" I whispered to Minho
"Well we came back and you fainted on us, so we rested up a bit. Then Thomas was put on trial. And then the crazy klunk happened. The box came back up, with a girl. Anyway Thomas, the brilliant shank he is decided to go back into the maze. We found something inside the dead griever. And now Gally is livid" he whispered back
I made an 'oh' with my face.

I turned my focus to Newt, he was leaning on one of the wooden beams, something in his hands.
"It was inside a griever" Thomas broke the silence
"These are the same letters we get on our supplies" newt said looking at me.

'Letters?' I thought to myself

"Yeah, whoever put us here, obviously made the grievers." Thomas said
"And this is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in three years right minho?" He spoke again
"Right" Minho said quietly
"Newt we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us" he said
"You see what he's trying to do right? First he breaks our rules, then he tried to convince us to abandon them entirely" Gally said angrily
"The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that?" He asked newt

"If Alby was here you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished" Gally said pointing to Thomas

Newt stood quietly.
He then handed Minho back the gadget.

"Your right, Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit and no food" newt said
"Oh COME ON NEWT!" Gally exclaimed
"One night in the pit, you really think that's gonna stop him from going in the maze" Gally complained
"No. And we can't just have non- runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it" newt said
I stood forward ready to protest.

"So let's just make this official. Starting tomorrow you're a runner." Newt said looking at Thomas

The room went quiet. I smiled at the blonde and crossed my arms. Minho was nodding beside me

"Wow" Gally said and went to leave.
"Gally" Frypan tried to stop him
"Nah Fry" my brother shoved him away and left

Some boys left. I walked to my boyfriends side.
"Thanks Newt" Thomas said to the boy
Newt nodded and took my hand, leading us outside.

"Good job Blondie" I said rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.
"Hmm." He mumbled
"What's wrong" I asked curiously.

He sighed and we sat down at a tree.
"The thing Minho and Tommy found. It had letters, the ones that come on our supplies. The same ones we found on the maze walls" he said
"Oh. That's something isn't it" I asked
"Yup." He replied
"Newt. Minho said the box came up, what happened?" I asked

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