The incident

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Your POV
Time literally flew by.

Since Ben it's been three months.
We had three new arrivals.
Winston, who became a slicer, a butcher of sorts.
Clint, our first proper med-Jack
And Zart, who we gave the job track-hoe too.

Now that all the jobs officially had a Keeper, we started to develop some sort of democracy. I didn't even know how I knew what that was.

They were all sweet boys. And good at their jobs too.
Ben had become a runner. He was Minho's partner. We did partners still, now that there was four of us we had two groups running daily. And we were looking more into the outer rings, we were still really cautious about going too far though.

Lilo had taken a bigger liking to Frypan now, he kind of tricked her into liking him. He gave her all the extra fat bits of the meat when he's cooking. And in return he gained her trust.

"Hurry Newt. I wanna get farther today" I begged the blonde boy as we walked to the wall.
He chuckled and responded, "the maze isn't going anywhere love. Calm down" he said still chuckling at my excitement
"Just hurry" I said jumping from foot to foot.

We stopped at the wall, lilo between us. We gave her a pet each, our new routine, and ran into the walls.

We ran and ran up to the ring wall. We stopped to catch our breaths there, then we ran on into the new section, mapping as we went.

I held my arm out stopping Newt just at a corner.
"Shhh do you hear that?" I asked him
The two of us went silent. Listening.

Even lilo stopped running.

Then I heard it again. The clicking noise and a slight scraping noise.

My eyes widened. I'd only heard that sound once before. When I was trapped in the maze at night.
"Griever" I whisper shouted to the blonde boy.

He then realised the danger.

We poked our heads around the corner and saw that the ugly creature was looking down a different corridor.
But just as we leaned back, Newts foot hit a small pebble, making a noise and notifying the griever to our position.
"RUN!" We both screamed and sprinted down the way we had come.

"LILO RUN GIRL! RUN NEWT!" I screamed at my two companions
"WHAT DO YOU THINK IM DOING!" Newt shouted back.

I would've laughed normally but I was terrified.

We ran and ran, the griever still on our tails.
We came to a dead end.
"SHUCK!" I shouted as we came to the blocked off wall.
"Get behind me." Newt said shoving the two of us behind some ivy, and he pulled Lilo in with us. Our bodies shielding hers.

The griever walked right past us. I held my breath as it did, I couldn't trust myself to not scream.

When it left, the three of us climbed out behind the ivy and began to run again toward the glade.

But just our luck the griever found us again.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I ran. Lilo in front of me and Newt beside me.

Then an idea came to me.
"Newt I'll distract it, get up that wall, I saw a ledge wait there. I'll come back" I quickly told the boy
"NO, Y/N I'm not leaving you." He complained while we ran.
"JUST DO IT!" I shouted at him.

We stopped and he quickly climbed up the vines. He reached the top and I had just floated Lilo up to his side when the griever caught up.
"Shuck" I muttered and began to run

"NEWT DONT MOVE ILL COME BACK!" I shouted out as I ran away, the griever following me.
I ran into yet another dead end.
"WHATS WITH THE DEAD ENDS!" I shouted out annoyed

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