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Your POV
The next day I woke up with a very very very sore back. A throbbing pain shooting up my spine, giving me shivers.

"Are you alright love?" Newt asked me as he woke up.
"My back hurts." I told him
"Here turn around and let me see" he said and I did what he said.

I turned over and Newt lifted my shirt.
I could feel his soft fingers touching my cold skin, and I whimpered in pain.

"Sorry love" he whispered
"It's okay" I replied

I felt my shirt being lowered again.

"Well?" I asked the blonde turning to face him
"Well. You have some bruising, and the cuts are healing slowly but it looks like the bigger one reopened" he said
"Yay" I sighed

"Alby told me why you didn't use your powers." Newt said out of the blue
"Newt?" I asked
"I'm just confused. Did you really think we'd all turn on you? You know we'd never do that. I'd never do that" he said
"I know. I was just scared. After seeing what I could really do, killing that griever. I just froze" I explained
"Well you shouldn't be. We all love you Y/N, especially me" he smirked

"Do you think we'll find a way out?" I asked
"Eventually. Especially with you as a runner, nobody is as smart as you love. Even as a normal glader, your wisdom outweighs ours. And you remember stuff so technically you have an advantage" newt said making me smile
"I'll find us a way out." I said confidently
"Yes you will" newt replied placing a kiss on my nose.

Lilo woke up then and showered us in kisses too.

When we managed to get out of the warm bed we made our way to the med-jack hut.
"Hey Clint" newt said as we walked in
"Hey guys. Okay let's check that ankle and your back" Clint said

He first checked Newts ankle. "Well as far as I can tell it's as good as it'll get. Walking should be fine, and so should light jogging. But the limp I can't get rid of" he told the blonde
"At least I can walk thanks to this angel" newt turned to me, and I smiled happily.
"Yeah, some magic powers" Clint chuckled

He then turned to me. I pulled up the back of my shirt for him to inspect the damage.
"Right. Theyre mostly fine, but you need to relax a bit at least until they've scanned over properly. Or else they'll reopen and cause a lot of problems" he told me
"So no running?" I asked
"Sadly no running girlie" he answered

I nodded and Newt Lilo and I all left the small room.
We found Minho and Ben just about to go running.
"Hey Min. I can't run till these shucking cuts shut, is that okay?" I asked/told him
"Yeah that's fine Dutchy. Just get better soon I need my best runner out there" he replied while jogging backwards.
I chuckled and watched him and Ben run from sight.

"Breakfast m'lady" Fry said handing me my plate.
"Why thank you kind sir" I joked back curtsying
We both laughed and I went to sit down beside my brother. Newt following close behind.
"Sup shuckface" my brother greeted us
"Not much eyebrows" I said back biting into my toast.
"Oh I see how it is" Gally said offendedly as he grabbed my other slice of toast.

So I grabbed his last strawberry.
"No my berries" he whined

I took a bite out of the red fruit.
"Mmmmm so tasty" I said to him
"I wonder what that pear slice tastes like" I said reaching forward again
"Okay okay, here take it you little monster" Gally rushed handing me my toast back

All the surrounding boys burst out laughing.
Gally the toughest boy in the glade, scared of his twin sister stealing his fruit.

It really was laughable.

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