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(A faint bit of abuse. But I'll put a warning if you want to skip it)

Your POV
I stared at the blonde in front of me.

"Okay" he said

"So what happened when I left?" I asked him
"Well you left and Lilo and I watched that massive griever chase you. We waited then you never came, so we climbed down. But another griever came, and Lilo jumped down fully. It looked like she hurt her leg. And I tried to climb faster to help her, but I ended up falling and hurting myself. The griever came at us. Then it got weird" newt started to say

I looked at him and waited for him to continue

"Lilo jumped in front of me and growled at it. And it growled back, I think. Anyway then Lilo did this weird thing. She placed her paws forward and one back and barked. And then the griever got bashed against a wall making a crack. Then it fell and ran away. Then she fell down. And i dont know what happened next. Next thing I know I wake up in the med-Jack hut." He finished his story

"Lilo. Our dog has powers?" I asked him skeptically.
"Apparently so" newt said
"Did. Have you told Alby" I asked gaining a nod in reply.

"Okay. So we need to check out Lilo, see what's different about her. And how about you Newt, how are you. You've been out for nearly three weeks" I said
"I'm fine love. I'm just a bit sore. Clint told me the damage. I- I can't run anymore." He said sadly
"Yeah" I said my voice just above a whisper.

I hugged him tightly.

And he cried into my shoulder.

We just held onto each other.

"I can't run Y/N. What am I going to do?" Newt said
"I don't know Newt. I dont know. But I'll be here for you." I told him
"I'm scared." He whispered fear in his voice.

"I know newtie. But I'm here for you. I'll make sure you're back on your feet soon. And I promise I'll find a way out. I'll get us out of here" I told him confidently
"I have every bit of confidence you will" he said kissing me

When we pulled apart we just hugged. I was happy to have my Newt back.
But I was worried at the same time.
I had a new problem, I had a dog with potential powers.

I sat with Newt for a while. And he was still weak so he fell asleep.
I gently kissed his head before leaving to find either Alby or Gally.

"LILO!" I shouted in the glade.
I stood waiting and two minutes later my beauty golden dog came running over.
"As ma good girl" I chooed giving her back rubs
"Come on. We got to see Alby." I told her and we walked to the leader

"I assume Newt told you then?" Alby asked
"Yup. Now legs try this in the deadheads." I told him walking to my destination

"Okay girl. Remember when you were protecting Newt, and you barked can you do that again on that tree?" I asked the dog pointing at a dead tree

She just walked over, took a stance and barked causing the tree to fall over.
"Wow" I cheered

"Good girl Lilo. Such a good girl. Let's call that sonic bark?" I asked her gaining a lick

"Let's try running" I try
"Run around those five trees and back here as fast as you can" Alby tells her

And she zoomed around the trees.
"Zoom went the dog. OHHHH zoom zoom" I said happily gaining a happy bark

"Okay try knocking a tree down" Alby told her
And she did
She head butted a tree making it fall
" what else can you do?" I asked her

She then lifted a tree branch on her back.

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