Plans to escape the glade

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Your POV
I woke up early the next morning. I easily got dressed without making any noise. I grabbed all my daggers, and my gear. Lilo was awake as well, so I quickly put her leather harness over her fluffy body, and slipped the dagger in the back sheath.

I grabbed my gloves and arm guards. And did my hair up.

I stood watching the sleeping boy.
I walked to the bedside, and lightly kissed his head.
"I'll find a way out. I promise Blondie" I whispered and left.

I jogged down the creaky stairs and out to Fry's kitchen.
I found Minho and Thomas sitting eating.
"Where's the others?" I asked Minho sitting down with my own plate of food.
"They quit." He said monotoned
"Oh how lovely and brave of them" I replied the sarcasm dripping
Thomas chuckled and I smiled.
The three of us finished eating, and grabbed our pre made sandwiches from Fry's fridge.

I filled mine and Lilos water bottles, shoving them in my bag.

I double checked that I had all my daggers, and made sure Lilos harness was secure.
"Do you seriously always check?" Minho asked
"I don't want to be unprepared Min. And I don't want my baby getting hurt. She can do more than you" I teased
"Touché" Minho said staring at the wall

"How can Lilo do more than Minho?" Thomas asked confused
I chuckled before answering
"I'll show you in the maze." I told him
"Ready for your first day?" I asked him
"Nervous, but I'll be fine" he replied and I nodded
"Ready. GO!" Minho said running into the opened door. Me right beside him with Lilo in front.

"Seven?" I asked running
"Seven" Minho replied
I nodded and we ran down corridors.
"Whats seven?" Thomas asked behind us.
"Seven is a section, it's in the outer area." I shouted behind me

"Min, stop at 3 wall, show this shank Lils trick" I said to the boy beside me who just nodded

We ran some more. And we eventually came to the wall of inner section 3 which would lead to our destination of section 7.

"Okay Tommy come watch" I said
"Lils super bark to that wall my lovely" I asked the golden dog beside me .

She took her stance. One paw forward, one back, she tucked her head and threw it upward releasing a super sonic bark, cracking the wall.
"WOAH! YOUR DOG IS AMAZING!" Thomas cheered excitedly petting the dog
"I know she is" I replied smiling

"Right let's go." Minho said walking ahead.

I whistled and Lilo ran to me.
And Thomas followed us.
"I'll go around through four see if anything is open" I said
"No you can't leave us!" Minho screeched
"Why not?" I asked confused
"Because, there's grievers out in the daylight." He whispered

I giggled

"Awww you scared Min Min. Scared a wittwe griever is gonna come gobble you up?" I asked
"YES!" He shouted
"Okay okay. I'll stay" I chuckled

He ran ahead, I stayed with Thomas as we ran. Lilo ahead with the other boy

"Sooooo. I have something to tell you" I said to Thomas
"Okay?" He asked
"Don't freak out or anything." I said
"But I remember stuff, like before the maze. Like my entire life. Well not entirely. But I have nearly half my memories back. I dont know why though, but I do" I told him
"That's so great" he said smiling and panting heavily
"You okay? You're tired already?" I asked
"Just not used to the running" he panted
"Right sorry greenie, i think Min and I forget new runners can't go as fast as us" I chuckled
"Ya think" he said

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