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Your POV
Gally led us all to a circular hole in the ground.
"That's not creepy at all" I said sarcastically
"Yup" Fry agreed

Gally just smirked and lowered a ladder down into the hole.
"Alright Newt you coming?" Thomas asked
"Okay. Y/N?" Newt nodded and turned to me
I smiled softly and made my way to his side.

The two of us sat away from everyone else, a small bit of privacy and he fixed up his boot.
"You'll be careful right?" I asked the blonde
"Always" he said happily
"Okay." I smiled

He fixed up his shoe and made a fist, flexing his fingers.
"You okay?" I asked
"Fine" he said standing up.

Gally went and sat at the tunnel.
"Gally. Take care of those two" Fry said to him
And my brother nodded and went down the hole.
Newt sat down too, and I gave him a small hug before he lowered himself down, Thomas following after.

I sighed and stood back up, sitting on the wooden bench that Newt and I had been occupying.
I sat twiddling with my fingers.

I knew they'd be alright, Gally will make sure they don't get caught. Thomas will probably still be a sour bean. I chuckled to myself lightly
Newt will be fine. He has my two boys with him

Did I seriously just call Gally and Thomas my boys? Well I guess they are. I smiled

Fry sat down beside me, and took my twiddling hand in his.
"They'll be okay Y/n/n." He said smiling
"I know. They always are" I said
"They'll find a way in, Gally said he has an idea" Fry said trying to keep himself positive
"Yeah, it's just weird. I thought he was dead. But he turns up after a year, alive and fighting WICKED, apparently" I sighed
"I just don't know what to think Fry. He killed Chuck, but he was stung and crazy. So do I trust him again? Or do I stay away?" I asked him

He didn't say anything for a few minutes

"I'm no expert, I don't have any family personally. I consider all of you guys family though. But I'd say, to forgive him. Family is scarce, we can't be picky, and we could loss each other any minute. We need to live our lives" he said smiling at me
I just nodded
"I forgive him I guess. I just, I wish things had been differently. Maybe Tommy and Gals would've gotten along" I sighing again
"They'll work it out" he said

The two of us sat happily together. Anxiously waiting for our friends to come back.

It was dark outside now. The little army had lit fires, and gave us some food. And we cautiously ate it.
A few hours later the three boys returned.

Gally came up first, then Thomas, then my Newt.
I let him stand up properly and I hugged him.
He laughed at me clinging to him
"Love. I'm alright, but if you squeeze any tighter I'll black out" he chuckled and I let go

I looked at the two other boys, a tense atmosphere between them.
I hugged Thomas then too. "I'm fine cuz." He chucked

I pulled away and looked at my awkward twin. He didn't look comfortable around his old friends.
I smiled and ran at him, wrapping my arms around him. He froze but hugged back just as fiercely.
I took a deep breath, his scent of wood and smoke filing my lungs.
I pulled away, everyone was smiling at us
"What?" I asked
"Nothing, you just look happy" Brenda said
"Am I not always happy?" I asked confused
"Yeah" they all said

I just rolled my eyes at them.


We were all sitting around a table discussing a plan.
"No, there's got to be another way" Thomas said turning to us again
"Like what? You've seen the building, she is our only way in" Gally said to him
"You really think she's going to help us?"thomas asked back
"I don't plan on asking for her permission" Gally retorted

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