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Your POV
Time really did fly in the Glade.
Well not necessarily, some days went faster than the other. The last two weeks flew by.
I'd been getting some more memories of my cousin Thomas.

Oh how I wished that he was okay with WCKD all alone. It was probably really hard for him.

I didn't exactly remember everything about him and the compound.
But I do remember growing up with him and Gally and eventually Newt.
The four of us had been inseparable, even when we were with wicked.

Another boy comes up in a few days.
And I had been told by Alby, that it would be my job to give them the tour and the rules, his exact words were 'you make everyone feel calm and safe so you'll do it' he had said to me

I didn't mind. For two reasons. I could get to know the greenie and I'd give my idea of the kid to Alby. And secondly since the box could come up when I'm running I'd get to stay off that day.

We also decided that we'd rotate every two months. Me and Alby that is.

Minho, Newt and I had finally discovered that each wall of the maze had a number 1 to 8.
It was weird to write that on the fake maze in the map hut.
We were going to start doing the outer rings in two days.

Lilo was enjoying the maze as well. She could let off all her energy and just run like a wolf wolf. It was adorable to watch her run with me and Newt.
She didn't run when one of us was off. Only when me and him ran together. So every third day.

My brother you might ask. Well Gally being the shankhead he is, fell off the roof when I was out running he dislocated his shoulder. When I came back you can bet the anger and worry that was coursing through me.
Alby had me lock the bone back into place. Apparently none of them knew anything about medicine either. So I had to pop the bone into the socket. And I had used my water powers to heal the swelling and the bruising. But I couldn't do much more than that.

Fry was good too. Always cooking away or checking the animals.
It was funny to watch him work, he would always talk to the meat as if it could answer him.

——— time skip———
"GREENIE TIME!" I heard Alby shout just as I arrived back from the Maze with Newt and Lilo.

We had done the inner ring. To see if anything had changed, and so that we'd be back on time for me to do my new job.

"We're back don't get your knickers in a twist." Newt joked as we jogged over to the box square.

I casually sat down on the grass covering an arm over my eyes.
I felt a fluffy head lay down on my belly.
And I just lay there waiting for the box to open up.

Alby said the alarm went five minutes ago at least. So it'd be opening any time between now and an hour.

We all sat around the concrete square waiting for the newest arrival and our supplies.

Ten minutes later the sound of stone rubbing on stone made me sit up straight.
The stone slabs opening showing the familiar metal cage.
Minho and Newt both pulled open the box roof. And Gally jumped in.
"Wakey wakey greenie" he teased the scared boy
Gally threw the boy up and Alby helped pull him up.
"Could've been a bit gentler" I scolded my brother as I offered the kid a hand.

He shakily took my hand and stood up. Turning around looking around his new environment
"I'm Y/N and welcome to the Glade." I said to the boy as he finally stopped spinning, looking at us.
"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?" He asked in a scared tone
I just smiled nicely. I nodded to Alby and he started to boss the other boys to get the supplies.
Lilo sticking close to Newts side.

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