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Your POV
I woke up panting, my lungs felt like they were on fire and full of water causing me to cough violently.

I looked around myself. I saw boxes surrounding me, and a few were making noises.
My head told me

I looked around myself more. I felt the walls, it felt like a cold metal. And when i ran my hands along the small box I realized I was trapped.

I heard a groan from one corner. I looked over and saw a person.
I screamed and fell backwards.

The metal box began to move, upwards at an alarming rate.
I began to panic. I couldn't remember anything.
Not my name, my age, where I came from, a family, friends, nothing.
I heard the person with me groan again. They suddenly stood and began screaming for help.

"I'm here" I said cautiously.
The person turned to me and indeed it was a boy. The more I looked at him the more I realised I knew him.
Then it hit me like a truck.

He was my brother. My twin brother.

Don't ask me how I knew that, or what a truck was. I just knew deep in my bones that he was my brother.

He seemed to realise too. "Sis?" He asked
I nodded and we hugged I cried into his arms, as the box we were trapped in continued to rise.
A flashing red light illuminated the box we were in. I managed to make our the words WCKD on the crates surrounding us.

"HELP!" I screamed
"HELP US! CAN ANYONE HEAR US!" My brother shouted with me

When we got no reply we sat, our backs pushed against one of the walls.
"Can you remember anything other than us being siblings?" I asked
"No. Nothing. Not even my name. I do remember you though, and I see flashes of us playing on flying things, uhhhh swings. I think" he said
"It's weird how we can remember what things are but not how we know what they are" I told him
"Yeah" he mumbled

Eventually the box stopped moving. We sat for what felt like hours, but was probably just minutes.
The roof opened up with a scraping sound. Light flooding in, making me cover my eyes with a hand. And my brother holding my hand.

The metal above us opened up too. When my eyes adjusted to the light I saw three boys looking down at us.
"There's two?" A tanned boy said
"Newt, your job to welcome the greenie, well greenies." A dark skinned boy said to a blonde one who nodded.

The blonde jumped into the box with us.
"Hey Greenies, I'm Newt. Let's get you both out of here and we'll explain everything." He said
My brother stood and with the two boys above us he got pulled out the box.
I stayed sitting down with my knees covering me.
The blonde boy offered me a hand, and said "here, I won't hurt you"

I looked at the hand then him, then back to the hand. I carefully placed my hand in his, a familiar feeling ringing in my head.
My small hand in the boys larger hand, he gently pulled me up. The two boys above us threw down a rope and the blonde boy, Newt, placed a foot in the loop and we were hurled up.

I sat on my grass looking around me. There were four massive grey walls surrounding us in yet another box.
But this one felt safer than the metal one.
I stood up shakily and walked over to my brother, who held out a hand for me, which I took.
We stood side by side, looking around us.

I saw a few small unfinished buildings scattered around, what looked like a garden and a forest.
I also noticed the gap in one of the walls.

"I'm Alby, I'm the sort of leader around here. This is the glade, now newt will give you the tour. I'll see you both later" the boy, Alby said before walking away.

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