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Your POV
I woke up early the next day. I was running today.
I got out of bed, put on my shorts, black tank top, and my thinner hoodie. Along with my boots and thigh dagger strap.
"Don't you look attractive?" Newt said from the end
"Oh do I?" I teased twirling.
I had to tie my boots up and my hair still.

I grabbed my brush and pulled it up into a high ponytail out of my face.
I put my brush down, then I bent down slowly and tied up by laces.
"You really try huh?" Newt asked making me chuckle

Lilo was awake and waiting by the door. I had her new dagger harness on her back. And the sheathed weapon strapped safely to her.
I grabbed my own pack.

I walked to the bed and gave a quick kiss before leaving.
"See you later Blondie" I said happily
He smiled and I left.

I found Minho and John eating. Ben was off today.
"Ready shanks?" I asked as I sat and ate my food
"You know it Dutchy." Minho said sarcastically

I just rolled my eyes and finished eating.

"Here's your food" Fry said handing me a sandwich and a pear.
"Thanks Fry. You got my bo-" I asked as he handed me the two bottles I needed for me and Lilo.
"Thanks" I said smiling
He nodded and left

I packed my little pack. Strapped it to my back and added the dagger to my chest.
What can I say, I like daggers.

I walked with Minho and John to the door, lilo by my side. I watched the two boys run left, then me and Lilo ran right.

I had a plan to heck out the blades today. I wanted to see if they had the same mechanism as the walls. Since they looked like they could spin.

But I had a feeling something bad was going to happen today. I just didn't know when or to who.

Newts POV
"Right greenie you're with me today" I said grabbing the back of Thomas's shirt and pulling him up from his seat.
I saw Chuck give a cute little wave. Y/N would love that, I'll tell her later.

"Where's Y/N?" Thomas asked
"She's working" I replied as we got to the gardens.
I grabbed a few cable ties, I had to fix the tomato vines. I gave Thomas a rake.
"Gather those fallen leaves" I told him

"What job does she do? I can't see her anywhere" Thomas asked again
"She's a runner. Probably the best runner we've got actually. She turned down Keeper since she was second in command" I explained briefly
"I thought Alby said you were second in command" Tommy said confused
"I am" I replied
"Then how is she it?" He asked
"We share the job. We have our jobs and when one of us is busy, the other does the job. Besides she more less runs the glade anyway. More than half of Albys decisions go through the two of us, and she usually changes them" I said to him

He didn't talk then. And it gave me a nice break from his questions. Y/N was sure he was her cousin, and that'd mean I was friends with him.

"Whyd she the only girl?" Tommy suddenly asked
"I don't shucking know. Ask the creators" I said sarcastically
"Well if she's the only girl, why does she risk her life running? And why is she so loved?" He asked again
"She runs because she's the strongest person in this glade. She is stronger than all the boys combined. Secondly everyone loves her because she is kind, funny, caring and understanding. But at the same time she is tough, stubborn, determined and smart" I said smiling thinking about her
"You like her dont you" he asked smiling
I just raised an eyebrow at him

"Greenie did you just say Newt likes Y/N?" Zart asked
Greenie nodded and Zart burst out laughing. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
"What?" Greenie asked
"Those two have been joint at the hip since they meet. Everyone knows that. Even if you wanted a shot with her, she's completely in love with Newtie here" Zart chuckled out
"Oh" greenie says

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