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Your POV
I slept through the entire of the next morning.
There was absolutely no way was I getting out of bed until lunch. Alby had given me permission to lay on too.

But now it was lunch time. So I swung my legs out the bed and tied up my boots.
I grabbed my hoodie and made my way outside.

I found the boys working on what will soon be the bloodhouse.
"Hey boys" I greeted them. I walked to Newts side and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Feeling better?" Gally asked
"Yeah much." I replied to my brother happily

"Sorry we couldn't help yesterday. We didn't know you weren't back yet." Minho apologized
"Min it's fine really. It was a grievers fault not yours, besides I'm fine now" I told him

"I want to hear what happened, lunch is just finished so go eat then come back. You can talk and build at once" our leader said.
I just nodded and walked off to eat. I was famished since I skipped dinner yesterday and breakfast today.

Apparently they knew that as my plate had double the food for me.
I scoffed it down, enjoying the full feeling.
I then merrily skipped back to the boys and helped to lay the wooden beams down to make walls.

"Okay girlie, talkie time" Alby said
"Right. Well after the three of us split up I went in the maze more, obviously. Anyway I can across these weird markings so I decided to look at them after I ate, but once I had finished eating I heard weird clicks. So I poked my head around the corner and saw this huge ugly creature. I started running but it started to chase me. Then I lost it and headed back to the place we left each other. And I didn't know if they'd already passed or not so I made my name out of vines just to say I'd passed. Anyway then I started to jog back, and I realised the time so I started to run. But I was too far out. And you know the rest" I retold yesterday's happenings

"And last night?" Alby asked me having stopped lifting the timber.
"Well I cried a bit. But then a griever chased me. So I climbed the wall. And I climbed different ones, going higher and higher. I actually saw outside I think. We're definitely surrounded by a maze I could just about see the different turns. But past the walls I could only see miles and miles of sand and distant stuff. Then I climbed the Glade wall and I stayed there" I finished the story

"So it's definitely a maze. Could you fly over the maze again?" Minho asked me
"Yeah, it's a massive maze. And no, maybe if I had enough energy I could get myself up to the wall, but I wouldn't be able to get down. Or bring anyone up with me. Besides where do we go from there?" I asked
"Fair point" Minho said going back to work

"Okay you runners run in pairs from now on. One person on a day off when two run and then switch. And the one-off helps me and Gally build" Alby told us all
"Good that" I agreed

We all talked and built the first few layers of the wall.
We got it 6 tree trunks tall. And we had started to lay out the ground some more.

It was tiring work. I had gotten so many cuts and splinters from the harsh wood.

I helped Alby make some vegetable soup for dinner.

After eating we all sat around a fire talking and laughing. I had newts arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him.

"Let's go for a walk Y/N?" Newt asked
"Yeah sure" I replied standing up with him.

We walked hand in hand to the forest. We walked between the trees until we came to a little clearing where you could clearly see he sky's surrounded by a ring of leaves.

"Wow Newt its beautiful" I said in awe.
"Not as beautiful as you" he said his thumb brushing some hair out my face
I just stared into his chocolate brown eyes, drowning in him.

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