The right arm

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Your POV

The next day we all woke up, starving and parched.
And again we were trudging through the endless sandy wasteland.

I tried singing to lighten the mood, but my throat was so dry it was getting painful to sing.

The heat was unbearable as well.
I had taken off my jacket, my light scarf around my neck.
So had the rest of them.

None of us talking. Poor Lilo had given up as well. So Newt and I were taking turns carrying her.
All the boys had offered to carry her as well, we all had pity for the poor exhausted pup. She's done so much, and she's just a pup.

I couldn't literally talk, but I could speak in m these.
'How you holding up Newtie?' I asked the blonde beside me

He looked shocked for a minute. We barely used our telepathy, but he knew why I was. My throat was sore

'I'm alright love. I'm holding on. How about you? How's your throat?' He asked
I sighed
'It hurts pretty bad. All the singing trying to lighten the mood, it probably wasn't my best idea' I told him
He just nodded

I'm here if you need me Y/N. And I'm not going anywhere he said
I just smiled and held his hand.

We walked all day, not resting. But the mountains seemed like they were getting farther away.

We lay down in a circle trying to sleep.
I was thinking about the past few days.
We lost nearly all of our Gladers. The ones lost during the three years, the ones lost during the Griever attacks, the ones lost when we fought the grievers to escape. My brother and Chuck. And now Winston.

How much more could we all take?
Would we all die? Would we all die to this stupid virus, would I lose Newt? Or Minho? Or Tommy? Or Fry? Even Aris and Teresa.
What about Lilo? Could dogs get the virus?
Could I get it with my powers?

If I did I'd tell them straight away. I'd kill myself before I could hurt any of them, or my powers could hurt any of them.

Teresa seemed different as well, she's not the same. But I guess none of us are.

I lay there looking at the cloudy sky. When a flash of light made me sit up.
I then saw lights in the distance.
I quickly shook Thomas awake.

"Hey. Hey" he said his voice extremely dry and raspy
"Get up." He said to everyone
"Newt, get up. Come one. Let's go. Frypan, Aris. I see something" he said tapping them awake.
I stood up and helped Newt up and Lilo.

We all started at the far away dots

"Whoa, what is it? What...." Minho asked waking up
"You see that? It's lights" Thomas said
"We made it" Minho said his voice a whisper

then thunder clapped in the distance. Then a huge blue bolt of lightning hit, and I knew what was happening.
We had to get to those lights

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on" Thomas said picking up his bag.
"Yeah" newt said taking my hand
"Come on, let's go. Let's go!" Thomas said as he started to run

We all ran, trying to outrun the storm.
"Hurry!" Thomas shouted out as the strikes got closer and closer
"Run!" Teresa shouted too
"I'm trying to push them, I'm too tired!" I shouted out.

I was waving my arms in the air, trying to push the clouds away. But I was weak. I was hungry, thirsty, and tired.
So I wasn't able to push the enormous clouds away

We all grunted as thunder clapped above us
"Keep moving! Come on" Thomas shouted at us
"WE ARE!" I shouted back annoyed
"Let's go" Minho said

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