♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷♡

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Hey Guys!! So, Here's another Appledash story!! Hope you enjoy it! :)

Everyone knows Trusting Online people isn't safe. But Sometimes you gain their trust, But be careful because they might be secretly creeps. But when you find the right person, You're in luck. Have you listened to the song 'Luv' By Tory Lanez? If You do, You know some point in the song he'd say 'Everyone falls in Love sometimes' . Which is a fact because there is always a chance to fall in love with a person. And there may be sometimes where you have trouble controlling your feelings, You also have trouble confessing them. Which is pretty normal, That's what happened to a 15 year old girl. Applejack, She afraid of rejection and judgement. But 1 try is always worth the trick. But Remember, If you love that person...Never hide your feelings for a long period of time..

It was an Ordinary day in Canterlot. Sun was shining, Birds chirping, Just like nature itself. It was a Saturday Morning. Rainbow just did what she normally did on the weekends. Sleep in. Then Again, Who Likes waking up at 7:35am just to get ready for school that literally starts at 8:15? Rainbow sure didn't, But had to. She was sleeping peacefully until Pinkie had called her phone. She groaned lightly and woke up from her sleep. Mad because she didn't get to sleep long enough. It was 9:30 in the morning. She picked up her phone and answered.

"Goooood morning, Dashie!! Did you sleep well?? I know I did, Hehe!"

"Well, I was until someone called me at 9:30 in the dang morning.."

"Oh, Sorry Dashie! I'm just an early person. I don't know how, I just wake up early! I wonder what time it is on the other side of earth. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30? Oh! Or maybe 12:30! Or 9:00pm, 5:00am. Or-"

"Pinkie, Please be quiet. I just woke up, Remember?"

"Oh Right, Sorry! Well, I was just seeing how you were doing. I'm gonna go eat breakfast now. See ya soon, Dashiee!"

Then Pinkie hung up the call.

"So She just woke me up just for that. Wow...That Pinkie Pie.." She thought. Suddenly, She got some notifications. They were from Instagram, Rainbow's favorite social media site for some reason. All though, She doesn't have much followers. She just posts for fun. She went to instagram, She posted a day at the beach. That was last weekend, Some people liked it. But one person commented.

"That's so cool! Wish I went to the beach. Btw, Love your profile picture! :)"

Rainbow smiled at the comment. She went to her page but, She didn't post anything. She didn't know what she looked like because her profile picture wasn't herself, It was a Sunflower. Rainbow looked at her profile picture, She had herself on it. Rainbow blushed, That person actually liked her profile picture of herself. Which was pretty cool and surprising, She just turned her phone off. Then she went to go make breakfast.


Applejack's Pov

After I finished my breakfast, I went back in my room. I got a notification. From Instagram. Then I remembered commenting on someones post. She replied with a "Thank You :)" , I smiled.

"Why ya smiling at your phone?" A young country accent asked me. I looked to my left, It was my little sister.

Me: "Applebloom, How long have you been standing here?"

Applebloom: "Since you first got a notification. Who is it, Do you know her?" Applebloom asked curiously. She's always the curious one in the family, She gets it from my dad. Not surprising.

Me: "No, I don't know who this person is. I just found her post and then just commented on it." I answered in a simple tone.

Applebloom: "Oh Okay. Well, Can I play outside with my friend Cozy Glow?" Applebloom asked, I chuckled.

Me: "Sure, Go on an play."

Applebloom: "Yay Okay! Wait- You didn't answer my question." Applebloom said, Glaring at me.

Me: "What question?" Not gonna lie, I forgot what she asked me.

Applebloom: "I asked you, 'Why were you smiling at your phone?'" She answered, Oh yeah..That question.

Me: "Well I mean I don't-"

Applebloom: "And I am not taking I don't know as an answer!" Applebloom suddenly said.

Me: "I mean...I don't know either way, Applebloom. I guess she just...Made me Smile..?" I answered, Applebloom smirked.

Applebloom: "Alright then...Ima go play outside now." She said, I smiled and nodded. That smirk she gave me...What was that smirk about? I wonder...

To be continued...

So Yeah, My first chapter of this book! I hope you enjoyed it, More chapters coming soon! :)

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now