♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽♡

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3 days later, Rainbow was in her room playing her video game. She was just bored, There was nothing better to do. Well At least she wasn't in school doing Math or Science Assignments. Suddenly, Rainbow's room door opened. There stood Rainbow's Dad at the door. Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Dad." 

Bow Hothoof: "Hey, Me and Your mom have to talk to you." Her dad said, Rainbow nodded. Must be about that whole Instagram situation. Rainbow went downstairs to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen island table. (A/N: Look that up if you don't know. Which you guys probably do, Okay let me just be quiet. Back to the story.)

Rainbow Dash: "What is it, Mom and Dad?" Rainbow asked, Windy sighed.

Windy Whistles: "Rainbow...Three Days Ago...Don't you remember..What you asked us?" Windy asked, Rainbow nodded with a confused look. 

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah..?" 

Bow Hothoof: "Well...Me and your mom talked it out for the past Three days. And...*sigh*...We decided...That your old enough to...You know..Talk to this person you wanna talk to. We know your almost an Adult..Well...Young Adult that is. So you should be able to take care of yourself. But just always know that if anything goes wrong you can tell us."

Windy Whistles: "And also...Don't do anything bad that will get you in trouble. And once your first call if over with, Just let us know how you feel about it okay?" Windy said, Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay." Rainbow replied. 

Bow Hothoof: "And also, Don't tell any personal information. Besides your name, But not your whole. Just your first and last name, That's all." Her dad exclaimed, Rainbow chuckled a bit.

Rainbow Dash: "I get it Dad, I'll be fine."

Bow hothoof: "If you say so." He said with a smirk, Rainbow smiled.

Windy Whistles: *sigh* "Alright Rainbow...Go on." Windy said.

Rainbow Dash: "Yay! Thanks mom and dad!" She said as she ran back upstairs to her room. But she had no idea why she was that excited. Right now it was 4:25pm, So that meant that it's 1:25pm for Applejack. That meant that she was still in school. So she decided to wait to text her. But let's just see how this first call goes...

                                                                                        To be continued...

Hey guys!! Sorry it's short, Another chapter is coming out today so stay tuned for that! :D

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now