♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹♡

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A/N: Hey!! as you guys probably know, I will now be active on this story since "Love Of Tomorrow" Is Finished. Enjoy the chapter! :)

It was now Monday. That meant, It was time for school. It was 7:35 in the morning, School starts at 8:30am. Rainbow got up and stretched, She picked her clothes out for school. Then she went to go take a shower, Then after that she brushed and combed her hair then brushed her teeth and also washed her face. After doing that, She went into the kitchen and made breakfast. Her parents were at work so she was alone. She took a cereal box off the refrigerator and got a bowl from her cabinet and poured some cereal in it. After that, She sat at the table and ate breakfast. Then suddenly, Her phone had vibrated. She had got a text from Pinkie, Not surprising. 

Pinkie Pie: Hey Dashie! How you doing?? You coming to school today?

Rainbow Dash: Hey Pinkie. And Yes, I'm coming to school today and i'm doing well, What about you?

Pinkie Pie: I'm Fine! Well, I'll see you at school!

Rainbow Dash: See ya!

After she finished texting Pinkie, She turned her phone off and continued eating her breakfast. After she finished, she put her bowl in the sink and washed it off. After that, She went upstairs to grab her back pack and some stuff she'll need for school. Then she went back downstairs to go get her phone at the place she left it. Which was the kitchen. Then she left the house. While she was walking to school, She immediately thought of the girl she texted last weekend, She seemed like a fun person to talk to. But she was also curious of what she looked like. She didn't wanna ask because she thought it would be to personal. But she was curious about it. After a while of thinking, She finally made it to school, Somewhere that she didn't wanna be at this point. It was 8:20 so she has 10 minutes before school starts. She walks into the school and straight to her locker ad grabbed her stuff she was gonna need for her first class. Which was History. 

"Hey Rainbow." She heard a familiar voice, She turned to her left and seen one of her other friends. Twilight. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Twilight, How's it going? You excited for school?" Rainbow said with a teasing smile, Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile.

Twilight: "Rainbow, You're my Bestfriend but your also the most annoy person I know. Right behind Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

"Hey! I'm not annoying! You're annoying!!" A high pitched voice said, Which was Pinkie of course. Rainbow and Twilight giggled.

Rainbow Dash: "Let's just say...We're all annoying." Rainbow suggested, Twilight and Pinkie giggled.

Twilight: "Alright, That'll Work." Twilight said, Pinkie nodded with a grin. 

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Guys! Have you ever wondered what time it was on the other side of the world?? Or maybe different places?? Or states??" Pinkie asked, Twilight shrugged.

Twilight: "Well I mean, There is a chance that there are different states that don't have the same time zone. For example. Right now, It's 8:25am. In California, It's 5:25am." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash: "Twilight, We know this already. No need to teach us that over and over again. It's getting old." Rainbow said with a smirk, Twilight smirked also.

Twilight: "Says the person who falls asleep in CLASS all the time." Twilight said, Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash: "WELL! At Least I got an honor roll. Well, I have one C though." 

Twilight: "And guess what? I got straight A's. What you gotta say about that?" Twilight snapped with a smirk.

Pinkie Pie: "Dang!" Pinkie said.

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now