♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟹♡

203 11 10

"J-Jackie is..M-Moving.." Pinkie said sadly with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry girls, It is what it is." Bright mac said as he smirked 'kindly'. Applejack's 5 friends had no idea what the true meaning was behind that smirk. Twilight smiled.

"We know. We can't stop you from making your decisions. But we will miss Applejack dearly. Hopefully you guys could visit sometime," Twilight said. "But..Is there a specific reason why you guys are moving too soon?" Twilight asked curiously as she raised an eyebrow. 

"Well..Let's just say that...You're Rainbow haired 'friend' has something to do with this." Bright mac smirked. The 5 girls were confused. 

"What? What do you mean? Rainbow Dash loved Applejack!" Pinkie exclaimed. 

"Yeah. Rainbow would never do...Well..I'm actually unaware of what she did to cause this." Sunset said. Basically trying to ask what Rainbow did to cause them to move. 

"Um..It's kinda personal." He lied. Everyone nodded. All except Sunset and Twilight. Sunset and Twilight just looked at each other with a concerned look. Then turned to Bright Mac and raised an eyebrow. 

"You sure?" Sunset asked, "You don't seem sure." Sunset said. Bright Mac forced a smile. 

"I'm sure." He replied simply.

"Alright well, Can we at least say bye?" Sunset asked. Bright mac nodded. They both went to Applejack's house. Applejack was helping her grandma pack.

"Applejack, Your friends are here." Applejack's grandmother said. Applejack nodded and went up to her friends. She smiled slightly but immediately frowned afterwords when all of them weren't here. 

"Hey Applejack. Your dad told us you were moving. So we came to say goodbye." Twilight spoke softly. Applejack let out a shaky breath. She looked down at the floor, Refusing to face her friends. Because if she did, She would have a break down. 

"Speaking of saying goodbye, Where's Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asked. Everyone looked at each other. 

"Anybody know?" Sunset asked. Everyone shrugged. 

"I thought she'd be here to say bye to Applejack. That is her best friend." Fluttershy spoke.

"Right. We haven't heard from her since last week." Rarity said, Then something suddenly popped up on her mind. "Does she even know about this?" Rarity asked. Applejack didn't wanna look at her friends, But she knew she had to. She slowly looked up at all 5 of her friends that were concerned. She let out a sigh. 

"No," She started. "No she doesn't.." Applejack mumbled, But her friends heard her. 

"How come? Isn't she your best friend?" Pinkie asked. Applejack couldn't help it but crack a smile. 

"Of course she is." Applejack said. Thinking about Rainbow Dash made her feel better, "She's literally my life.." Applejack mumbled. But of course her friends heard her. 

"Oh really?" Rarity smirked. Applejack blushed whilst her eyes were wide. 

"I-I..W-What did I say..?" Applejack asked. Pinkie giggled.

"We all heard you Jackie. Don't lie." Pinkie said. Applejack chuckled. 

"Ya'll got me. But please forget that I said that!" Applejack said. Everyone giggled. 

"Applejack! Time to go!" She heard her dad say, Applejack frowned. 

"I gotta go guys.." Applejack said sadly. 

"We're gonna miss you so much Jackie!" Pinkie cried and hugged Applejack tightly. Then everyone else joined the group hug. Applejack started crying. Yes, Because she was gonna miss all of her friends. Especially Rainbow Dash. And on top of that, She won't be able to say one last goodbye to Rainbow Dash. So that just made this day 5 times as worst. 

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