♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻♡

224 11 8

"Sunset, Isn't she upstairs?" Fluttershy asked.

"She is, But we're just gonna have to wait into the comes downstairs." Sunset said.

"Or we could just go on top of each other! Shortest to tallest!" Pinkie suggested with a big grin.

"Now that, Is the last thing I would do." Sunset said. 

"Aw man!" Pinkie pouted. 

"Shh! Guys, She's downstairs!" Rarity whispered. "And I also see her dad." Rarity said, Still having her voice in a whisper. Everyone stayed quiet. Everyone gasped quietly when they saw Applejack's father arguing with a women that was much older than him. 

"Obviously you lied! Because you still have the same job you had before we moved here! So, What's the real reason why we moved?" 

That's just it. The real reason. Could this be the reason why Rainbow and Applejack aren't talking to each other?

"And why do you wanna know so bad?" They heard Applejack's dad say. All 5 friends looked at each other. They also saw Applejack and her little sister watching the two adults fight with fear and confusion in their eyes. 

"I don't know about you guys, But I'm about to punch this window glass and go inside and-"

"Pinkie! No!" Sunset scolded. "We're spying for a reason! You know for a fact they're not gonna tell us the real reason. Especially after we tried to get Applejack and her dad to tell us the reason. But guess what? It never happened. So this is the only way." Sunset said. Pinkie pouted.

"But I really wanted to!" Pinkie whined. Sunset just sighed and rolled her eyes. Applejack's father and grandmother continued to argue. But the answer was still not said. Yet. 

"Guys..Any clues on what the answer might be?" Twilight asked. Everyone looked at each other and shook their head. 

"We'll probably just have to wait and see if we get some answers. We still have hope you know." Sunset said with a smile. Everyone smiled back at her. 

"Jeez, That women is really arguing with him." Pinkie said.

"Well..It is Applejack's family. They're known for honesty, So she's obviously mad because he lied." Twilight said.

"That's true," Pinkie said. "Honesty is the best policy." Pinkie said with a grin. "Sometimes.." Pinkie mumbled. But everyone heard her and giggled.

"Bright Mac! I'm tired of arguing with you! Now tell me! Why. Did. We. Move??" Granny said sternly. Bright Mac let out a heavy breath. Everyone looked at each other, This was it. The answer they were all waiting for was finally revealed..

"Well maybe if Applejack's 'friend' wasn't a lesbian, We would've never moved!" Bright mac shouted. Everyone gasped. 

"W-What?" Pinkie said in fear. 

"So..That's the truth. Rainbow and Applejack aren't talking to each other because Bright mac doesn't like Rainbow Dash apparently because of her sexuality. So that means.." Twilight trailed off. 

"Bright Mac is Homophobic.."

Sorry it's short! I have no other ideas. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter though! :D

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now