♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾♡

257 12 10

It was officially the weekend. Applejack had already took a shower, brushed her teeth, did her chores, etc. Today was the day Rainbow was coming over her house, Yes her grandmother knew. But the thing that was killing was the fact that somebody kept on teasing her about having a crush on Rainbow Dash. 

Applebloom: "I'm excited for Rainbow Dash to come over! I really really really really wanna meet her!" Applebloom said joyfully, Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes.

Applejack: "I bet you are." 

Applebloom: "And you are too. So don't come for me." Applebloom said and walked downstairs dramatically. Applejack raised an eyebrow at her sister and just chuckled. She went to her room and texted Rainbow.

'Hey Rainbow Dash! You still coming right?'

'Yeah! I'm actually ready right now!'

'Okay! I'll text you the address.'


Applejack was in her room chilling, She was just waiting for Rainbow to come. But her peace was interrupted by nobody but Applebloom. 

Applebloom: "APPLEJACK! APPLEJACK! Someones at the door!" Applebloom shouted.

Applejack: "Okay Okay. No need to shout, AB." Applejack said with a slight chuckle. She went downstairs and went straight to the front door. She looked at the peephole, It was Rainbow Dash. She grinned and opened the door a gave Rainbow Dash a hug, Rainbow giggled and hugged her back. Rainbow's giggle gave Applejack butterflies.

Rainbow Dash: "How ya doing AJ?" Rainbow asked with a smile. 

Applejack: "Go-"

Applebloom: "She's doing great now that you're here! Oh..By the way, I'm Applebloom." Applebloom blurted out. Rainbow giggled.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Applebloom. I'm Rainbow Dash."

Applebloom: "I know. She told me a lot about you." Applebloom smirked, Rainbow's eyes widened while she was blushing. Applejack blushed also and scratched the back of her neck. 

Rainbow Dash: "Did you really tell her about me?" Rainbow asked with a smirk, Applejack laughed nervously. 

Applejack: "Uh...Kinda.." Applejack said, She smiled nervously. Rainbow laughed. 

Rainbow Dash: "It's okay. I told my parents about you too." Rainbow admitted. Applejack giggled

Applejack: "Figured that. But I'm gonna introduce you to my family." Applejack said with a grin. Rainbow nodded. Applejack took her hand and took her to the kitchen.

Applejack: "This here, Is my Grandmother. Granny Smith." Applejack said with a smile. Granny Smith looked back at them and smiled. 

Granny Smith: "Why Hello there, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash: "Hey." Rainbow said whilst waving. Granny gave Applejack a small smirk and winked. Applejack blushed, She knew exactly what that meant. 

Granny Smith: "Well you girls go along and play. I'll be in here cooking." Granny said, Rainbow and Applejack nodded. Applejack and Rainbow went upstairs to Applejack's parents room, Her dad was watching tv. 

Applejack: "And this is my dad." Applejack said. Her dad turned around and looked at the two teenagers and smiled.

Bright Mac: "Hey Rainbow Dash." He said with a soft smile. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hi." She smiled back. Applejack and Rainbow went in Applejack's room.

Rainbow Dash: "You're room seems kinda bigger then what it is on facetime." Rainbow said.

Applejack: "Heh, I guess. But it ain't all that of a room. It's pretty basic." Applejack said with a shrug. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hey, Your room isn't basic. It's amazing. Better than my room actually." Rainbow said with a smile, Applejack smiled back.

Applejack: "Thanks Rainbow." 

Rainbow Dash: "You're Welcome."


Rainbow Dash and Applejack did a whole bunch of things today. They went to play outside, Played some board games, Talked, laughed, etc. They even did a prank on Applebloom. And Applebloom of course got mad while Applejack and Rainbow on the other hand, Was laughing so hard. And Applebloom is still currently mad.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm still laughing at that prank we did on Applebloom." Rainbow said with a slight chuckle, Applejakc giggled.

Applejack: "Me too. That prank was priceless." Applejack laughed and so did Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash: "So, What should we do now?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack: "Uhh..Wanna watch a movie?" Applejack suggested, Rainbow nodded. Applejack thought about something; Maybe she should take one of Applebloom's snack? After all, She always took her popcorn every time she and some. So maybe that's a good idea. 

Applejack: "Hm..I'm gonna go do something. Be right back." Applejack said with a smirk. Applejack got up and left the room. She went downstairs and went to the kitchen to open the snack cabinet. Applebloom really loved Candy Apples. It was two left, So she took both of the Candy Apples. She went upstairs and-

Applebloom: "I caught ya! Give it up right now!" Applebloom said whilst standing in front of Applejack's room door with her arms crossed/ Applejack smirked.

Applejack: "Nope. Make me." Applejack said. Then Rainbow had got up, Applebloom was about to attack her but Rainbow picked her up.

Rainbow Dash: "Come on. It's bedtime for you." Rainbow said with a smirk.

Applebloom: "Oh come on!" Applebloom whined. Applejack and Rainbow laughed.

Rainbow Dash: "Here. You can have my chocolate bar." Rainbow smiled. Applebloom took it and smiled back at her.

Applebloom: "Thank you Rainbow Dash! You're the best!" Applebloom cheered as she hugged Rainbow. Rainbow chuckled and hugged her back. Applejack smiled at them. 


Applejack and Rainbow was finished watching the movie that was on tv. Applejack looked to her left and seen Rainbow was already asleep. She smiled and put her under the covers. Applejack wasn't sleeping yet, So she decided to watch another movie. 

The movie was half way through, Applejack still wasn't sleepy though. Then Rainbow had moved a little and woke up.

Rainbow Dash: "You're still awake?" Rainbow asked in a soft voice. Applejack blushed.

Applejack: "I'm just not sleepyy!" Applejack whined. Rainbow giggled and wrapped her arms around her and put her head on Applejack's shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: "Well in that case..I'm staying up with you." 

Applejack: "No, You don't have to! If you're tired then go to sleep."

Rainbow Dash: "Well I am..But I wanna stay up with you." Rainbow said with a cute grin. Applejack giggled.

Applejack: "Okay fine." She said whilst rolling her eyes playfully. Rainbow giggled cutely. They both watched the rest of the movie. After it was done, They decided to go to sleep. 

Little did they know, There was gonna be a big problem after this..

                                                                                         To be continued...

Yay! I finally updated!! :D Hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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