♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻♡

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Rainbow bit her lip nervously. How was this gonna go? How would she react to this? True, She wanted to know what she looked like, But like I said before, She didn't wanna ask personal Questions. She was worried because she didn't reply yet, Was she gonna hate her after this? A couple of minutes later, She finally replied.

Oh...I wasn't expecting that question..But sure...should we get on a call?

Rainbow's eyes widen at the text, She asked if they could call each other? That was unexpected...I mean not that she had a problem with it but there was one tiny problem. Her parents...Wouldn't even let her do something like that. She has strict parents, But it's for her safety. She wasn't sure how to respond at this point. But little did she know, Applejack's Grandmother wouldn't let her do that either. What could they do?

'Well, I don't know. My parents don't like when I talk to people I don't know..' Is what she replied with.

It's Okay, My dad or my Grandmother wouldn't let me do that either.

Oh, What about your mom? If you don't mind me asking.

Rainbow noticed it took her a couple of seconds to respond. But why?

'Yeah..Her too.' Is all she replied with.

Rainbow was curious, Why did it take her that long to respond? She shook her head, These silly questions just won't stop popping up in her head. But Suddenly, An Idea had came to her. Maybe she could convince her parents to get to know her? But how would that work out? They'd probably still say no. But she was gonna try...Soon.


Meanwhile at school, The 5 friends were currently at their lockers. Just talking, All except Rainbow Dash. She was still thinking about what happened Yesterday. And Pinkie noticed that she was thinking, She decided to leave her alone. She knew exactly who she was thinking about. Pinkie just stared at Rainbow with a smirk on her face. All of her friends noticed, One of them decided to question it.

Twilight: "Pinkie? What's the purpose of your face?" Twilight asked curiously.

Pinkie Pie: "Oh! Just looking at Rainbow Dash while she's thinking about her girlfriend." Pinkie replied, Then she snickered. Rainbow jumped out of her thoughts because she had heard what Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie!" Rainbow said, Face-palming. Pinkie rolled her eyes playfully and smirked once again.

Pinkie Pie: "You know you love her." Pinkie teased. Rainbow groaned and rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie, Just stop! I do not have crush on her, She is just my friend and that's final!" Rainbow yelled, But not to loud.

Pinkie Pie: "Sureee." Pinkie said while smirking, She obviously didn't believe Rainbow Dash. She knew something was up.

Rarity: "Alright Darlings, Settle Down. I'm Sure Rainbow doesn't have feelings for her, She doesn't even know what she looks like. I don't see how that's possible. But there could be a chance where you may be falling for her-"

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh! Look, I am NOT falling for her! I DO NOT have a crush on her and that's final!" Rainbow said, She stomped to the bathroom after that. All of her friends looked at each other with worried looks.

Rarity: "Yeah...I think we went a little bit to far.." Rarity said.

Twilight: "I'll go check on her." Twilight said, Her friends nodded. She went to the bathroom and opened the girls bathroom door. Then she found a Rainbow Dash that looked upset and angry at the same time. Her face was red a little bit because she was angry. Twilight just said nothing, She walked up to Rainbow Dash and slowly tapped her on the shoulder. Rainbow turned her head and once she saw Twilight She looked away.

Rainbow Dash: "What do you want?" She mumbled, But Twilight heard her. She sighed.

Twilight: "Rainbow...We're sorry for making you feel like this. I mean...We just thought that you had feelings for her since you're...Always thinking about her," Twilight started, Rainbow still avoided eye contact. She didn't look at Twilight, Not even a little bit.

Twilight: "We didn't mean to make you feel that way, Rainbow. You just thought about her so much to the point...We thought that you had feelings for her. Well...I didn't really pay attention to it but Pinkie kept rambling about it. But then Again, I'm sorry if it made you upset or angry, Or Probably both to be exact. I guess we should've never assumed that you were falling for her." Twilight apologized. Rainbow had finally looked at Twilight.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Twilight, I'm sorry for making it such a big deal." Rainbow said.

Twilight: "No, It wasn't your fault. You were just angry and upset." Twilight said with a smile.


Meanwhile with Applejack, Applejack was currently eating dinner with Granny Smith. Applebloom was at Big Mac's house at this point (Yes, He as his own house) . Her dad was currently out taking care of his business. She was also thinking about what happened yesterday with her and Rainbow Dash. Should she show her what she looks like? Can she trust her? She felt like she could even though she shouldn't. Granny Smith seemed to noticed that Applejack was deep in thought, She decided to same something.

Granny Smith: "Something on your mind, Applejack?" Granny Smith Asked, Applejack jumped out of her thoughts and looked at her grandmother. She knew there was no way out of this. Granny Smith was a lot like her, She could tell when someone is lying. Applejack sighed.

Applejack: "It's Nothing, Granny. Nothing important." She lied, But Granny was obviously not buying it.

Granny Smith: "Nope, Not buying it. Tell me the truth." She said sternly, Applejack sighed. She had no choice but to tell the truth. But How would Granny Smith react?

Applejack: "Well...Um...I met this girl on Instagram, Her name is Rainbow Dash. And...Yesterday she had asked me what did I look like...I was gonna show her until she had told me that she wasn't allowed to talk to people she didn't know. And...I'm just unsure what to do right now.." Applejack answered honestly. She was expecting Granny to get mad, But surprisingly she didn't.

Granny Smith: "Do you know what she's like? Anything you find suspicious?" Granny asked sternly while her eyebrow was raised.

Applejack: "Well...She doesn't seem suspicious..She seems innocent. She's kind, She often checks on me and She never asked me anything personal." She answered.

Granny Smith: "Mhm...So, I'm assuming you guys wanna get to know each other more..?" Granny asked, Applejack slowly nodded. Granny Smith went into thoughts for a moment, Applejack bit her lip. What would she say next?

Granny Smith: "Well...I suppose you could show her what you look like..and get to know her more. But just let me know right away if something happens. AND know that this doesn't change the fact that you can't talk to random people on the internet. You're Lucky I'm actually letting you talk to her, And your also lucky that your 15. Because if you were under that age There is no way you would be doing this. And you're lucky it's a girl because you wouldn't be doing this is it was a boy. Because you know how boys are these days. I only approve this because you told me she didn't say anything suspicious. And DO NOT tell her any personal information. And yes, I will be checking your phone to see ya'll conversation. Just to see if your lying to me, Not that I don't believe you. I just need to check." Granny Smith told her, Applejack just nodded.

Granny Smith: "Just know you better not be doing anything bad, Ya hear?"

Applejack: "Yes Granny." Applejack said.

Granny Smith: "Good."

So Now that Applejack was allowed to call her, That's what she was gonna do when she was ready, But she still had to check with Rainbow to see if it was okay with her. Then again, Her parents are strict. But we'll have to see if they approve....

To be continued...

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