♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟾♡

318 14 37

A/N: Final Chapter.

The 5 friends had all the equipment they needed for this next plan they were gonna do. Now it was time for them to set up this picnic, And then they were gonna invite Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"I'm soo excited for this!!" Pinkie cheered.

Everyone got into Sunset's car and drove to a place where they could set everything up; A flower meadow. The girls were getting annoyed by Pinkie's clapping, Something she was doing Rapidly. 

"I'M SOO EXCITED!!!" Pinkie squealed. Everyone rolled their eyes. 

"Pinkie, Only Celestia knows how many times you've said that. Would you be a dear and please stop." Rarity said sternly.

"Sorry Rarity! I'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"

"Pinkie Pie!" Everyone but Pinkie scolded. Pinkie scoffed.

"Fine Fine." Pinkie pouted and crossed her arms, She stayed like that for the rest of the ride. 

When they reached their destination, All 5 friends got out of the car and got the equipment they needed. Pinkie suddenly smirked.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Pinkie squealed. Sunset rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled. 

"We know Pinkie. Now Let's get to setting this up, We don't have time to waste." Sunset said. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

Apparently, They had some food for Applejack and Rainbow Dash for when they come here. But Pinkie perhaps to be hungry because of it.

"Come onn!! I'm hungryy!!" Pinkie whined. Rarity scoffed. 

"Pinkie! Please be quiet!" Rarity scolded.

"But I'm hungry!!" 

"Here Pinkie! Just take my Chocolate bar." Sunset said, Handing her last Chocolate bar to Pinkie. Pinkie Pie grinned.

"Thanks Sunny!!" Pinkie yelled and started eating on the chocolate bar in a flash. Sunset giggled. 


"And the finishing touch.." Rarity said as she placed the last thing they needed to set this whole thing up. And soon as she did that, They were finished. They had a red and white picnic cloth with a brown picnic basket with food in it, Some lights that go with the picnic for when it gets dark, And some daisies from the flower meadow. The 5 friends looked at the work they did and smiled confidently whilst the wind the blowing through their hair. 

"Now that's a picnic." Pinkie said. 

"You can say that again," Sunset agreed. "Now we need to call them." Sunset said. Sunset took her phone out and called Rainbow Dash. A few seconds after that, She answered.

"Hey Sunset." 

"Hey Rainbow Dash. Me, Pinkie and Fluttershy were wondering if you wanted to come on a picnic with us." 

"Sure! But what about the others?" 

"Oh..They're busy so they couldn't make it."

"Oh..Alright. Just tell me the location and I'll be there soon.

"Alright, See ya Dash."

The call had ended. Sunset gave Rarity and Twilight a smirk. Then Twilight called Applejack. 

"Hey Twi!"

"Hey Applejack, Are you free today?"

"Yeah, I am. Why ya ask?"

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now