♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿♡

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Applejack and Rainbow both had their shoes on, Ready to go outside. They decided they were gonna go outside and play for a little bit. Before they left out the door, They heard a voice call them. 

Bright Mac: "Where are you guys going?" Applejack's father asked. 

Applejack: "Oh, Hey Dad. Me and Rainbow are just going to go play in the front yard for a little bit...Is there something wrong?" Applejack asked.

Bright Mac: "No, Nothings wrong. Just wondering is all." Bright mac said with a smile.Applejack looked at her dad suspiciously. She just shrugged a bit and nodded. 

Applejack: "Oh..Okay." Applejack said. Rainbow and Applejack went outside. Before doing anything, They both made eye contact; Emerald Met Magenta. They got lost into each others eyes for what seemed like 10 minutes. The silence was broken by Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: "You okay AJ? You seem a little...Off." Rainbow said. 

Applejack: "Oh...I-I'm fine." Applejack claimed, Rainbow raised an eyebrow. 

Rainbow Dash: "You sure? You don't look fine. And you kinda gave your dad a...You know..suspicious." Rainbow said. 

Applejack: "Well I mean...It's just that..He sounded a bit..suspicious." Applejack replied. Rainbow shrugged and smiled a little. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Okay. Well..What should we do?" Rainbow asked, Applejack smirked. She tapped Rainbow on the shoulder. 

Applejack: "Come and catch me Rainbow Dash!" Applejack exclaimed. Rainbow gasped playfully and smirked.

Rainbow Dash: "Oh no you didn't!" She yelled playfully. Rainbow chased Applejack around the front yard. But little did they know, Applebloom was watching them for an unknown reason. She just smirked and snickered. Applejack stopped running and glared at Applebloom.

Applejack: "Applebloom? What are you doing?" Applejack asked.

Applebloom: "Oh Nothing. Just spying on my sister and her girlfriend." Applebloom grinned. Applejack blushed. 

Applejack: "W-What? S-She's not my girlfriend. W-What are you talking about-" Applejack felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked back, It was Rainbow. 

Rainbow Dash: "Got you." Rainbow smirked. 

Applejack: "How are you." Applejack growled playfully. Rainbow laughed and ran away from Applejack, Applejack ran after her. Applebloom giggled.

Applebloom: "They'll be together soon.." Applebloom said to herself.


It was now time for Rainbow to leave. Rainbow and Applejack hugged each other and said their goodbyes. Applejack closed her front door and went in her room. She sat on her bed and decided to watch tv until she get sleepy.

"I didn't know your friend had Rainbow hair." Someone suddenly said. Applejack looked up and saw her dad standing at the door with a smile on his face. But for some reason, His smile didn't feel right to Applejack. 

Applejack: "Well..Yeah? Is there something wrong with that..?" Applejack asked in a confused tone, Her dad chuckled.

Bright Mac: "Nope. Nothing wrong at all. It's just...Having Rainbow hair is pretty unique these days. But the thing is...I didn't know your friend was gay." Bright Mac said, Applejack gasped.

Applejack: "A-Are you saying that...You're against it..?" Applejack asked. 

Bright Mac: "Heh, We'll go with that." Her father said, Applejack raised an eyebrow.

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