♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺♡

400 15 18

Weeks had passed, Rainbow and Applejack had been talking a lot. But they never called each other yet or asked personal questions. Pinkie already shipped them, She kept saying that Rainbow had a crush on Applejack but she kept denying it. But..Did she have a crush on her? Was Pinkie telling the truth? She was sure that she was lying, She shook her head to get the crazy thoughts out of her head. Right now she was at Lunch with her friends. 

Rarity: "Rainbow Dash? Is everything okay? You're quieter than usual." Rarity said, Raising an eyebrow. Rainbow pulled a smile.

Rainbow Dash: "Everything is fine Rarity. Just...thinking." Rainbow said.

Rarity: "About what-"

Pinkie Pie: "SHE'S THINKING ABOUT HER GIRLFRIEND!" Pinkie shouted out of the blue. 

Twilight: "Girlfriend? Since when?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Since Never! I don't have a girlfriend! I'm single, Pinkie has been saying that ever since I started talking to this girl on Instagram!" Rainbow said, Not aware of what she just said out loud. Then her eyes widen. 

Twilight: "Instagram? Who are you talking to on Instagram?" Twilight asked confusingly, Then Pinkie unexpectedly jumped onto the table and stood up. 

Pinkie Pie: "It all started when Rainbow had posted a beach picture a couple of weeks ago! Then someone had commented on her post! Then after that she followed her and then Rainbow had texted her and she text back! Then they learned more things about each other! And Boom! The started talking to each other on the daily basis!" Pinkie said in excitement, Everyone looked at her as if she was crazy, Only because she had  to stand on the table just to explain something. But hey, That's Pinkie for ya. But apparently it didn't answer Twilight's Question. 

Twilight: "You still didn't answer my question. Well Actually Pinkie, I didn't even ask you. I asked Rainbow." Twilight said. Rainbow bit her lip, Should she tell them? Would they end like Pinkie and...Ship them together? Well how could they? They don't even know what she looks like. And neither does Rainbow. She just sighed in relief, Only because they wouldn't ship them because they had no idea what Applejack looked like and they didn't know what she was like. 

Rainbow Dash: "Well....Her name is Applejack..I met her on Instagram..Like Pinkie said, She commented on one of my post and...You know the rest.." Rainbow exclaimed, Twilight nodded.

Twilight: "Oh Okay...Wait..Isn't that unsafe..?" Twilight said. 

Pinkie Pie: "Pfft, Seriously Twilight? We're Teenagers, Trust me she'll be fine. Plus Applejack seem innocent, I'm sure she won't harm Rainbow in any type of way- OH COME ON! WHY CAN'T I JUST FLIP THIS BOTTLE THE RIGHT WAY!" Pinkie said, But then shouted when she reached the last sentence. Pinkie was flipping a water bottle at this point. But she never got it to stand again, At this point she was about to rage. 

Pinkie Pie: *Growls Angrily* "UGHH! STUPID WATER BOTTLE!" Pinkie shouted, She flipped it one last time and surprisingly, Celestia caught it. Pinkie bit her lip, She thought she was gonna get in trouble but instead, Principal Celestia flipped the bottle and it landed. Then she just walked away without saying a word. Pinkie's jaw dropped. Everybody else was looking at Principal Celestia in shock, Except Twilight. 

Rarity: "I-...How did she-" Rarity trailed off, She was lost for words.

Twilight: "You guys should know by now that Principal Celestia is a savage." Twilight said, Pinkie's Mouth was still open in shock. Twilight smirked and just closed Pinkie's Mouth. 


Rainbow had just opened the door to her house, She immediately seen her Parents. Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof. 

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