♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸♡

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A month had passed, Rainbow and Applejack had became closer. Although Applejack still had feelings for Rainbow, She ignored them. But that didn't really seem to work at all. She'd blush at every compliment Rainbow gives, She had always got butterflies every time she heard Rainbow; As far as her voice, Her laugh, Her Smile. Just Rainbow.

The fact that Applejack had feelings for Rainbow was really killing her. Her dad was homophobic. (A/N: I meant to say this at first but I had forgot but Sorry if it offends any of you who are gay, Bisexual or lesbian, I don't mean to offend anyone. Just know that I'm not homophobic and each and everyone of you are all human, Even if you aren't straight. Know that Applejack's dad being homophobic is just for the story.) What was she gonna do? She can't hide these feelings forever. She just sighed, She was just peacefully doing her house chores until someone had called her name; It was her dad. Applejack went into the kitchen where her dad was. She was curious. What did he call her for?

Applejack: "Yes Dad?" Applejack asked, Waiting for him to respond. He just sighed.

Bright Mac: Can you come and sit at the dinning table for a moment?" He asked politely, Applejack nodded and did what she was told.

Applejack: "What is it dad?" Applejack was confused, What would he have her sit at the dinning room table for? Then something unexpected came to mind; Was it About Rainbow?

Bright Mac: "Well...I just need to talk to you about some things..Like...Has Rainbow Dash said anything suspicious to you ever since you guys started talking on the phone?" He asked.

Applejack: "No. Dad, Me and Granny already went over this. I'm fine."

Bright Mac: "Applejack that's literally a stranger!"

Applejack: "I know but to me not really! She's my friend, You might as well say Best friend. My only best friend!" Applejack scolded at him. 

Bright Mac: "How though!? Don't you got other friends?"

Applejack: "Yes I do, But their just my friends. Rainbow...Is a person I see more than a friend. Like a best friend...Or maybe a sister to me." Applejack answered honestly. Bright mac appreciated his daughter's honesty, But he had to make sure nothing bad is gonna happen. 

Bright Mac: "And what do you mean by that?" Her father asked curiously, Applejack smiled. She enjoyed talking about Rainbow. She'd often tell Applebloom and her friend Cozy Glow about what they did over the fun, How Rainbow always made Applejack laugh and smile. She was just a fun person to be around.

Applejack: "Well...She's always looking after me and..She always supported me on my decisions. Not one time she didn't. She makes me laugh and...She also makes me smile. And well, She's a person where I could stay calm with. I never have to worry about being angry or anything when it comes to her, She's always her happy self around me and has never changed that. I have never met someone like that and she's the only one that I could trust."

Bright Mac: "How can you trust her? You don't even know her."

Applejack: "Yeah I know, But you can't tell me who I can or can't trust. You don't know who she is or what she's like. I'm a teenager dad, It's about time that I learn how to take care of myself and other situations they may occur. If something seemed off, I would've told you or Granny. But did I? No. It's only been a month and she's already my best friend. Everything is fine." Applejack exclaimed, Her dad didn't say anything yet. Applejack was waiting on him to say something, She waited patiently. It looked like he was thinking. After a while, He just sighed.

Bright Mac: "Well..If you say so. But remember-"

Applejack: "I know dad." Applejack said. 

Bright Mac: "Alright, Just looking after you."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Applejack laughed, She was laughing at something Rainbow was saying. Which was meant to be a joke. She swore she felt like she was gonna die in laughter. Rainbow enjoyed seeing Applejack laugh, That's why she did the best she can to make her laugh. Soon, The laughter had died down. Applejack was catching her breath because she was laughing so hard, Her cheeks were evening a light shade of red from doing so.

Rainbow Dash: "See, I told you I could make you laugh at that. But you denied it." She heard Rainbow say, Applejack rolled her eyes playfully.

Applejack: "Yeah Whatever. I'll admit, You did."

Rainbow Dash: "I know." Rainbow replied with a smirk, The line had went silent. Applejack had forgot about the fact that she had feelings for Rainbow Dash. It had came into mind just now, She bit her lip nervously at the thought. Hopefully her dad doesn't find out...Hopefully no one finds out. But she had to let it out someday, But how?

Rainbow Dash: "Hey AJ?"

Applejack: "Yeah?"

Rainbow Dash: "I'm just wondering...What does it feel like to...Laugh uncontrollably with someone..and you...trust somebody more than you should to the point maybe...You have to courage to trust them..Like a best friend?" Rainbow asked as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Applejack: "Well...Not really..Why you ask?"

Rainbow Dash: "Well...What I'm trying to say is..I see you as my best friend. I can trust you more than anybody and..You always make me smile, You make me laugh and...It's just that I can open up to you with no problem at all. If I ever had something i wanted to say, You'd be the first person I tell."

Applejack was stunned by Rainbow's words, She didn't know she felt this way about her. She had also felt the same way about Rainbow Dash, Which was great. The thought of it made her smile.

Applejack: "Well I feel the same way about you. Before I met you, I couldn't trust anyone ever since my mom passed away. But when I met you...I felt like I was able to trust people again."

Rainbow Dash: "Really?"

Applejack: "Yup."

Rainbow Dash: "Well..I guess we're best friends now or? You don't have to say yes but-"

Applejack: "Yes, We are. I even told my dad you were. I'm just glad I met you."

Rainbow Dash: "Me too AJ, Me too."

                                                                                     To be continued...

Guys I'm sorry if this is getting boring! The actual conflict will happen soon,This will have about 20 or more chapters. And a little note, I won't be making names to any chapters anymore because I always don't have any chapter name ideas and I don't wanna overthink of any because to me it's kinda wasting time because it takes (sometimes) takes me a while to think of them. So I won't make chapter names anymore, Bit other than that Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

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