♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶♡

230 11 14

Rainbow Dash walked to the girls bathroom to see if Applejack was alright. She reached the door and touched the door knob attached to the door, She sighed. She slowly opened the door and found a girl with blonde hair with a stetson on top, She looked like she was in deep thought. Rainbow walked up to her, Applejack seen that Rainbow was standing next to her in the mirror. 

Applejack: "Rainbow...What are you doing here?" Applejack asked. 

Rainbow Dash: "I came to check on you. You pushed me so..I was just assuming you were upset." Rainbow said, Applejack didn't say nothing back. She wasn't mad at Rainbow Dash, She was upset. Upset about what her dad had said yesterday, Something that made her stress out. She did say she was gonna hang out with her anyway, But she didn't wanna disappoint and disobey her dad. 

Applejack: "Uh..I-I'm Fine Rainbow Dash." Applejack lied, Avoiding eye contact with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow gave Applejack a concerned look. 

Rainbow Dash: "Are you sure AJ? You don't look okay." Rainbow Dash said. Applejack sighed heavily. 

Applejack: "Yes Rainbow. I'm sure." Applejack said. Rainbow opened her mouth to say something but then closed it, She was out of words. She didn't believe Applejack, Not a single word. But she didn't wanna make Applejack feel even worst, So she just put it to the side. For now.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay..If you say so. What class do you have?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack: "Reading."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh, Me too. Wanna walk together?" Rainbow asked. Truth was, Applejack wanted to walk with Rainbow to class. But she couldn't, There was too much stuff in her mind right now. She didn't wanna worry Rainbow more than she already was.

Applejack: "Not today. I'm a bit tired." 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh..Okay. Well I'll see you class I guess?" Rainbow asked, Applejack just nodded. Rainbow then walked out of the girls bathroom. When she closed the door, She didn't move another step. 

'Somethings odd going on right now..'

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Rainbow had just came home from school. When she got home, She went straight to her room and sat on her bed in thought. Today was boring as always. Class was boring, The work she was assigned was hard, She was also worried about Applejack. And on top of that, She had homework to do. 

She groaned loudly and laid down on her bed dramatically whilst ragging inside her head, She swore school was one of the worst things to ever exists. And we can't forget about homework, That's just as worst. 

She went to go do her homework so she could get it over with. When she was done, She put her homework back in her book bag. She suddenly got a call from someone; Pinkie Pie. She picked up her phone from her nightstand and answered the call.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Pinkie."


Rainbow Dash: "Seriously Pinkie? I already have a headache, My day is already messed up. I don't need your screaming to make it worst." 

"Pinkie Pie: "Oops. Sorry Dashie! I was just calling to tell you me and the girls are at Sugarcube corner! And I was wondering if you wanted to come with us."

Rainbow Dash: "Sure, I'll go. Be there in a few minutes."

Pinkie Pie: "OKAY! See ya Dashie!"

The call ended. Rainbow didn't change her clothes at all, And she took a shower today. So she was just gonna go with the clothes she has on. She grabbed her phone and her car keys and left the house. 

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Rainbow arrived to Sugarcube corner. She went inside and saw her friends at the table they normally sit at. She smiled. She went to the table and sat next to Applejack. They both made eye contact and smiled at each other. Pinkie was looking at them secretly with a smirk on her face. 

Pinkie Pie: "Soo..What should we talk about?"

Rainbow Dash: "The fact that school is the worst thing to ever exists." Rainbow said. Twilight gasped.

Twilight: "Rainbow Dash! School is important! It's so you could learn, Why do you guys hate school so much?" Twilight scolded. 

Pinkie Pie: "I'll tell you why. And it's real simple too," Pinkie said.

PP, SS, FS, AJ, RD and R: "It's boring." Everyone except Twilight said at the same time. Twilight sighed.

Twilight: "Fine. Whatever you guys say." Twilight said. Rainbow had just realized her hand was on top of Applejack's. She quickly took her hand off and blushed. She looked at Applejack, Who was already looking at her with a smile on her face that said 'It's okay'. Rainbow smiled and put her hand back on Applejack's, Then she giggled softly. 

Pinkie Pie: "Ya'll think they gonna get together soon?" Pinkie asked in a whisper. Quiet enough so Applejack and neither Rainbow Dash could hear. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Trust me, I know." Sunset said, Smirking whilst looking at Rainbow and Applejack. 

Sunset Shimmer: "We just gotta get those two to admit their feelings for each other.."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Sunset Shimmer: "Alright guys so here's the plan, Me, Pinkie and Fluttershy will go to Rainbow and ask her if she likes Applejack. Twilight and Rarity will go to Applejack and do the same thing. Once we get their answers, We're gonna set up something and leave them two alone. And they should confess to each other like that." Sunset explained, Everyone nodded.

Pinkie Pie: "But what if they don't?" Pinkie asked. Sunset thought about it for a moment. Then she suddenly smirked. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Then we'll go with plan B..."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's short. 

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