♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺♡

221 11 13

2 months later...

It had been 2 months since Applejack moved. It's been hard for her, She's been getting bullied for her accent as usual, She missed her old friends. But the good thing was, She was still able to talk to them through phone. Well..Almost all of them. She haven't talked to Rainbow Dash at all. She's unpunished, But she had gotten Instagram taken away from her, And she also had to delete Rainbow's number. But luckily, She remembered it by heart. 

"So, Why did we move again?" She heard her grandmother say in a stern tone as if she needed an explanation on why they moved so soon. 

"Oh..I didn't tell you?" Bright mac asked nervously. Granny raised an eyebrow.

"Don't play stupid Bright Mac," Granny said. "Why did we move?" Granny asked, Raising her voice a little. Bright mac didn't reply, He just scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously. 

"Look here, You were the one who decided that we should move. And I had ask you the first time you said that, You said you would tell me sooner or later. You also said that it was something major. So, What is it that's so major about this whole thing?" Granny asked. Bright mac bit his lip, Only Applejack knew the reason why they were moving. Well, It was only between him and Applejack anyway. What would granny do if she found out the real reason why they moved? 

"Well...I got a new job." He lied. Granny smith didn't buy it at first. But she just nodded, Even though she still didn't believe him. 

"If you say so." Granny said as she glared at Bright mac. Applejack was secretly listening to the conversation. And trust me, She was not happy with it.

"He lied.." Applejack whispered to herself. "Why would he do that?" Applejack asked no one. She just shrugged slightly and went back upstairs to her room.


"Alright girls, Let's hope this works." Sunset said. She called Applejack, The phone rung a few times. Then she answered. 

"Hey Sunset." 

"Hey Applejack. How are you?"

"Same as usual. You?"

"I'm good, Thanks."

It went silent between the two teens. Sunset thinking on what to say next. 

"Um..Sunset, Maybe you should have her talk about Rainbow Dash?" Twilight whispered. 

"Hm..Great idea." Sunset whispered. 

"Hey Applejack." 


"Do you miss Rainbow Dash?" 

Applejack went silent for a moment. Sunset understood why she went silent all of the sudden. It's been 2 months since Applejack had last talked to Rainbow Dash. But as for the rest of them, It's only been 3 days since they've talked to Rainbow. And Rainbow wasn't really herself.

"Well...Yes, Of course I do. She's my best friend. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her, I miss talking to her."

"So if you miss talking to her..Why don't you guys talk?" 

Applejack went silent again. All 5 friends looked at each other in a concern and confused look. What was the reason behind this whole situation? 

"Uh..Well....I-I don't know."

"Applejack, We all know that's a lie. Tell the truth."

"I'm serious..I don't know."

Sunset shook her head. There was no way she was gonna get her to spit it out, Neither was there anything suspicious happening. So she decided to call it a day. 

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now