♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼♡

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Monday had rolled around. Applejack took a shower, Brushed her teeth, Washed her face, Brush and combed her hair, Etc. She was wearing her usual outfit; A white a green shirt and a demin skirt with a pair of cowgirl boots. Her hair was in her usual style and she wore her stetson like she always do.'

She went downstairs, Expecting to be the one to make breakfast but instead, Breakfast was made by her dad. 

Bright Mac: "Morning Applejack, Ready for your first day?" 

Applejack: "Good morning Dad...I guess I'm ready for school." Applejack said.

Bright Mac: "What's wrong?" Her father asked in a concerned tone, Applejack sighed.

Applejack: "Nothing Dad. I'm fine." Applejack lied, Bright Mac can already tell she was lying. 

Bright Mac: "Applejack, Don't lie to me." He said sternly.

Applejack: "I'm serious Dad, I'm okay." Applejack said. Bright mac shook his head. 

Bright Mac: "Alright...If you say so." He sighed. 

Applejack eventually finished her breakfast. She seen that Rainbow texted her yesterday, She smiled a little but how did she miss the text? She must've been busy unpacking. She still had some time to text her. 

'Hey! Sorry I didn't get your text. I was busy unpacking my stuff. I had moved on Friday.' Is what she replied with. A few seconds after she sent that message, Rainbow had already replied.

'It's okay! I figured that, So do you know when your going to school?'

'I'm actually going today, I had just got finished getting ready.'

'Oh! That's cool. Well I'll text you when you get out of school?'


'Okay, Ttyl!'


Applejack had arrived to CHS, And the school was big too, Which was probably the reason why there were lots of students. She made her way to the principals office, She opened the door; It was pretty cozy in the office. There were also two woman, One of them was on their computer and one of them gave Applejack a warm smile.

Principal Celestia: "Hello, I'm Principal Celestia. You must be Applejack right?"

Applejack: "Yes." Applejack simply answered.

Principal Celestia: "Alright, Nice to meet you Applejack. Just give me a second and I'll give you your schedule." She said kindly, Applejack nodded. Principal Celestia gave her her schedule in less than 10 seconds. 

Applejack: "Thank you." Applejack said with a smile, Principal Celestia smiled back. 

Principal Celestia: "You're Welcome. If you ever need anything, Just come to me." She said, Applejack nodded. She said bye to her before leaving the office. She was walking to her assigned locker, But before she could make it she bumped into someone. 


Applejack: "Oh, I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine about-" Applejack gasped, Then the person she bumped into gasped as well. Applejack recognized her voice. A raspy and harsh voice. She looked closely at the girl with a raspy voice. She had Rainbow hair, Magenta Eyes, Baby blue skin. 

Applejack: "Rainbow Dash?"

"Applejack?" Then the two went silent. Applejack was stunned, It was Rainbow Dash. They both got up on their feet, Still looking at each other in shock.

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