♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼♡

214 13 25

Applejack's POV:

"So you're telling me...That you're homophobic?!" Granny scolded. That's something she should've knew from the start. Don't know how she didn't notice it. Now I just have to tell her the reason why me and Rainbow aren't talking to each other, That's if she bothers to ask.

"A-Applejack..What's happening?" My little sister asked in fear.

"AB..I think it's best if you go in your room." Is all I said. Applebloom just nodded and went upstairs to her room without saying another word. I jumped slightly when I saw My grandmother and my father looking at me. They both gave me a soft look.

"Applejack," My grandmother said sincerely. "Come here please." She said casually. I nodded and stood right next to my grandmother. Granny gave me a concern but yet a significant look.

"Applejack, I have a question for you. And I need you to answer it honestly." Granny said, Still keep her significant look but yet sounding more veritable. "Did your father tell you to stop talking to Rainbow Dash?" Granny asked.

I looked at Granny with an unemotional look. But there was also slight fear in my eyes. Why? Because I'm afraid what will happen next after I answer this question. Honestly.

"Applejack," Granny sighed. "The only reason why I'm asking this is because I haven't seen you talking to Rainbow in ages. And I apparently also heard that somebody is homophobic," Granny said as she glared at Bright Mac who looked down at the floor on guiltiness.

"So I just want you to answer that question for me. No sentences. Just either a yes or no." Granny spoke slowly and calmly. I sighed, I knew there was no way out this, I knew I had to tell the truth. Besides, I'm known for honesty.

"Yes." Is all I said. I looked up at my dad who was looking at Granny.

"Bright- Never mind. But just..Listen to me." Granny started, "Applejack may be your daughter, But she's also my granddaughter. And I know for a fact that Applejack can handle almost any situation on her own. And as much as she told me about Rainbow Dash, I also know for a fact that Rainbow Dash would never do anything to harm Applejack or you. Or any of us matter a fact. True, She's a lesbian. But still, She has a heart Bright Mac. Something you didn't realize from the beginning." Granny said, Bright mac didn't say anything. 

Third Person POV:

"You're gonna have a lot to think about Bright Mac." Those were Granny's last words before walking away. Applejack and Bright Mac both looked at each other. 

"Dad," Applejack started. "Why are you homophobic?" Applejack asked. Bright Mac's eyes widened a little, But he didn't say a word. 

"Applejack I-"

"Never mind...D-Don't say anything. You just like to judge a book by it's cover," Applejack managed to have the courage to say that out loud. "Rainbow Dash is my best friend, I have already told you that. And like Granny said, She has a heart. Rainbow is the one who encouraged me to not be afraid of anything that gets in my way, Rather I'm getting bullied, Or Stressed out about something. She told me she was always gonna be there for me, No matter how big or small my problem is. But you don't see any of that because your obviously blind." Applejack didn't say another word after that. She just walked away and went upstairs to her room, Not wanting to be involved in any more drama. 


"This can't be right.."

The 5 friends were all at Sunset's house in thoughts. Everyone was quiet due to what happened earlier today. Nobody wanted to speak on that topic at this point. The only thing they're trying to figure out is, How could get Rainbow and Applejack back together?

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