♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼♡

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It was just an ordinary Friday Night, Nothing much to do. Rainbow was allowed to stay up all night because well...There's no school tomorrow because it's the weekend! It was currently 9:30pm, Rainbow had soon got a text from someone. Which was unexpected because she haven't got a text from anyone all day besides her parents. She looked to see who texted her, Her eyes widen. Applejack had text her. She clicked on the notification and read the message. 

'Hey! So I talked to my grandma about this whole situation. She had told me that it was okay to call you, I don't know about your parents but that's what my grandma said.' 

Rainbow's eyes widen, Her grandmother actually approved this? That was odd. But this is what she replied with: 

'Alright, Now I just have to ask my parents. They're home right now so I could go ask them now if you want me to.'

Rainbow patiently waited for Applejack to respond, It took just a few seconds for her to respond. 

Alright, You can ask your parents. Just let me know what they say.


Rainbow turned her phone off and bit her lip, Was this possible? Would her parents approve this? Only one way to find out. She got out of her bed and went to the living room, She sat next to her parents and smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Mom, Hey Dad." She said, Her parents smiled. 

BHH and WW: "Hey." They both said at the same time, Rainbow bit her lip. How was she gonna say this?

Rainbow Dash: "Mom, Dad...Um...I need to talk to you." Rainbow said.

Windy Whistles: "Oh? What is it?" Her mother asked as she turned the living room tv off. 

Bow hothoof: "What is it you wanna tell us?" Her father asked, Rainbow hesitated for a little bit. Should she ask? How was this gonna go? Before opening her mouth to speak, She took a deep breath.

Rainbow Dash: "Mom, Dad...I..Met this girl on social media....Her name is Applejack. And...She's very nice and she's sweet, honest and well...I wanted to ask you...I-Is it okay...If I...You know? Get to know her..?" Rainbow asked.

Windy Whistles: "And what do you mean by 'get to know her' ?" Her mother asked, Rainbow sighed.

Rainbow Dash: "Well I just...Wanted to know if I could...maybe call her? And maybe we could get to know each other like that?" She asked her parents nervously, Her parents got into thoughts. Then again, They're strict. Bow hothoof suddenly sighed. 

Bow Hothoof: "Well kiddo, You are almost 18 but...I'm still unsure. I know your old enough to handle your own problems but...We're gonna need 2 or 3 days to discuss this. Alright?" Her father said, Rainbow slowly nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "So...You're not mad?" She asked. 

Windy Whistles: "No, Of course not. You're getting older, Sweetie. Although your not 18 just yet, Your still old enough to handle your own problems and your old enough to know not to run into the wrong people. But...*sigh* ..We still need time to think about this. But IF we say yes, If anything goes wrong just tell us? Understand?" 

Rainbow Dash: "Yes Mom." She replied.

Windy Whistles: "Alright well like Bow said, Wait about 2 or 3 days. We'll tell you then." Windy said, Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow Dash: "I'm gonna go back in my room now, Thanks for listening." Rainbow said with a grin.

Windy Whistles: "You're Welcome." Her mom said, Then Rainbow went back upstairs. 

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now