♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹♡

250 13 9

A month later, The Apples had already decided that they were moving. They were moving to Canterlot (As you all may know) Applejack was excited but also nervous; If Her and Rainbow ever meet each other in person, What would it be like? What would Canterlot be like is the main question.

Right now, It was currently Saturday 7:45am in the morning and Applejack was doing chores with her sister. Big mac, Granny and Bright Mac were doing some packing. Applejack and Applebloom had also helped a little bit before doing their chores. 

Applebloom: "Applejack, Are you excited that we're moving? I'm not, I don't wanna leave my only friend Cozy Glow. But I'm also excited!! Because I get to make new friends and I could explore a new town!" Applebloom said whilst doing her chores.

Applejack: "Well, Yeah I'm excited. But a little sad that I have to leave my friends. Even though I rarely talk to them."

Applebloom: "Hey, But I thought your friend was that Rainbow haired girl you started talking to like 2 months ago?" Applebloom reassured, Applejack's eyes widened. 

Applejack: "We don't talk about that!" Applejack said while she was blushing like crazy, Applebloom smirked.

Applebloom: "So someones falling in love." 

Applejack: "N-No I'm not..I-"

Applebloom: "Nonsense! You can tell me, I won't tell anybody. I promise!" Applebloom said, Applejack looked at her little sister in the eyes; She was telling the truth. Applejack still hesitated, You all know Applebloom. She'd go and tell anyone about her crush, Sometimes she can't keep secrets. Applejack just sighed.

Applejack: "You promise?" 

Applebloom: "I promise." Applebloom grinned, Applejack slowly nodded.

Applejack: "Alright well...I guess I have a-"

Applebloom: "A BIG CRUSH ON HER!" Applebloom shouted, Applejack gasped.

Applejack: "Applebloom! Stop! You're too loud, They might could hear us!" Applejack shouted but it wasn't that loud. Applebloom scratched the back of her neck and gave her a nervous smile, Then she laughed nervously. 

Applebloom: "Sorry.."

"Who got a crush on who?"

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Rainbow was currently playing on her video game with Pinkie and some other friends of hers, They were in the middle of the game they were playing.

Pinkie Pie: "So Rainbow? How's you and your 'crush' doing?" Pinkie asked, Rainbow's eyes widened. 

"Oooo, So Rainbow has a crush?"

Rainbow Dash: "What? No! N-No I don't! Pinkie is lying!"

Pinkie Pie: "No I'm not! Her name is Applejack, And they are just online friends and Rainbow has feelings for her! You should see the look on her face when she texts her! I wish you could see it! "

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh! Pinkie!!"

"Rainbow, You know we won't judge you for being a lesbian. It's okay to like her, Even if she's just your online friend. Nobody is stopping you from loving her." One of her friends said; It was a girl.

"Yeah Dude, Nothing wrong with loving someone. Even if it's the same gender as you." One of her other friends said. 

"Truee...But I still can't believe you actually have a crush! I didn't think you would be a person to have a crush on anyone right now!"

Rainbow Dash: "But I don't! Pinkie is-"

Pinkie Pie: "Am Not!"

Rainbow Dash: "Are too!" 

Pinkie Pie: "Am Not-" 

"Oh come on guys! We lost the game for the 5th freaking time! And this time it was because of you guys!" 

PP and RD: "Sorry.." They said as they laughed nervously. Rainbow then thought about Applejack, Maybe she should check on her? She haven't talked to her in a while.

Rainbow Dash: "Hm..Maybe I should check on her..I haven't talked to her in a while." Rainbow said to herself.

Pinkie Pie: "You do realize your still un muted right?? We all heard that!" Pinkie said, Rainbow's eyes widened, She forgot to mute her mic..

Rainbow Dash: "Wait What I-...I-I didn't say that! I-...Forget that I said anything!"

"Rainbow has a crush, Rainbow has a crush, Rainbow has a-"

Rainbow Dash: "SHUT UP!" Rainbow shouted, She just logged off the game. She had enough of people teasing her today. 

Pinkie Pie: "I think we made her mad.." Pinkie said.

"Indeed we did.."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Granny was curious about who Applejack crush was, Since she heard Applebloom say something about it. Now Applejack regrets telling Applebloom that she had a crush on Rainbow, How was she gonna tell Granny?

Applebloom: "Um...I-I was just joking...I-I didn't actually mean that or anything, I just said that..b-because...well..."

Granny Smith: "Nonsense. Now, Who's your crush Applejack?" Granny asked, Applejack gulped and bit her lip. She wasn't sure if she should tell her, She doesn't even know Rainbow like that; As in, She couldn't see her in person. Yet. 

Applejack: "Well...Uh...Can we talk about this...privately..?"

                                                                                            To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :)

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