♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷♡

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Applejack was in her room, Listening to music whilst thinking about what happened today and what her dad said. To much stuff was running through her mind right now, She wanted to talk to Granny about this and see what she would say, But she didn't wanna bring her into the problem between her and her dad. 

And as for what happened today, She felt guilty for pushing Rainbow away. She was only trying to help, But what could she do to help solve this situation. After all, She is apart of this situation. But how could she take her out of it is the question. How could she get out of this situation? How could she solve this problem? 

"Applejack? Everything okay?" She heard a young Southern accent say. Applejack jumped out of her thoughts and her eyes landed on her room door that was open whilst her little sister was standing right by it.

Applejack: "Oh..I-I'm fine. Just thinking is all." Applejack said as she forced a smile. But Applebloom didn't believe her. 

Applebloom: "Ya sure? You looked like you were deep in thought just now." Applebloom said. 

Applejack: "Yes Applebloom, I'm fine-" Applejack cut herself off. She just sighed. 

Applejack: "Let's just say...It's teenager business.." Applejack reassured. 

Applebloom: "But Applejack, I am a big girl! I'm 10 years old!" Applebloom exclaimed. Applejack giggled.

Applejack: "I know you are Sugarcube. But you're not a teenager just yet. Plus, You wouldn't understand if I told you." Applejack spoke softly. Applebloom pouted.

Applebloom: "Fine. But are you sure you're okay?"

Applejack: "Yes Applebloom. I'm sure." Applejack replied. Applebloom smiled.

Applebloom: "Okay! Well I'ma go in my room now." Applebloom said. Applejack nodded, Applebloom then left the room. Applejack sighed. 


Sunset Shimmer: "So Rainbow? Do you like Applejack?" 

Rainbow Dash: "Well..I-I..No." Rainbow answered. 

Pinkie Pie: "Come on Dashie, Tell the truth. We won't judge, We're your friends." Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash: "I know, But I don't have a crush on her. Honest." Rainbow said. Sunset, Pinkie and Fluttershy knew they probably weren't gonna get an honest answer from Rainbow. Sunset smirked, She had an idea. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Rainbow, How do you feel when your around Applejack?" Sunset asked. 

Rainbow Dash: "Well..I feel a nervous feeling in my stomach when she's around. Like..I have butterflies in my stomach. I..I could never stop blushing when I look at her face. It's just..She's the reason why I smile like an idiot. I just...I just love her!" Rainbow exclaimed. Rainbow's eyes widened. She gasped and put her hands over her mouth. Sunset and Pinkie snickered.

Pinkie Pie: "Told ya you liked her. I knew all along.." Pinkie smirked. Rainbow was now blushing uncontrollably. Not because she had a crush on Applejack, But also because she was flustered. 

Sunset Shimmer: "That was easier than I thought. Now that's all you had to say Dash, We still love you." Sunset said with a warm smile. Rainbow shrugged and smiled slightly. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hm..I guess. I honestly didn't even know if I liked her or not. Well..Now I do since...I admitted it unexpectedly." Rainbow said. She scratched the back of her neck whilst smiling awkwardly. Everyone but Rainbow Dash giggled. 


Rarity: "Applejack? Do you like Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked. Applejack hesitated for a little. Should she tell them? Would they look at her the same way? 

Applejack: "I-..Well.." Applejack was about to answer her question, But no other words came out of her mouth. 

Twilight: "Applejack. We won't judge you, It doesn't matter if you like her or not. Now be honest, Do you like Rainbow?" Twilight asked again. Applejack avoided eye contact and sighed quietly. 

Applejack: "Yes. Yes I do." Applejack finally said. Rarity then squealed, Twilight covered her ears.

Twilight: "Rarity. You're too loud." Twilight said whilst covering her ears.

Rarity: "Oops sorry." Rarity apologized as she blushed in embarrassment. 

Twilight: "Well, We're happy for you Applejack. 


Twilight and Rarity were outside of Applejack's house. Twilight grabbed her phone out of her pocket and called Sunset. 

Sunset Shimmer: "Hey Twilight."

Twilight: "Sunset! Applejack likes Rainbow!"

Sunset Shimmer: "Really? Rainbow likes Applejack!"

Twilight: "Eek! So awesome! Alright so, Guess it's time for the next part of the plan?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Sure. We'll do it next weekend. I have plans this weekend."

Twilight: "Oh Alright. Well same here, So guess I'll meet you at your house?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Mhm. See ya there."

Twilight: "See ya."

Twilight ended the call. Then she looked at Rarity with a grin on her face. 

Twilight: "Rainbow likes Applejack!" Twilight cheered. Rarity gasped.

Rarity: "Really!? That's marvelous! So what now?"

Twilight: "Sunset said to meet her at her house. Guess she's gonna discuss the next part of the plan. She also said we were gonna do it next weekend because she had plans this weekend." Twilight explained. 

Rarity: "Alright then, Let's go!"


Sunset Shimmer: "Alright guys, So we are gonna set up a picnic at a flower meadow. Some of us will invite Rainbow and the rest will invite Applejack. When they both are on their way. We'll hide somewhere so they won't get suspicious." Sunset explained. Everyone nodded.

Pinkie Pie: "Alright, So what do we do after they confess?" Pinkie asked.

Sunset Shimmer: "Then we'll come out of our hiding spot and tell them the plan." Sunset snickered. 

Pinkie Pie: "Okie! Sounds like a good plan!"

                                                                                     To be continued...

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