♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿♡

287 14 3

Applejack was currently watching tv, It was 10:45pm. She suddenly heard Granny Smith And her dad...arguing? That can't be. So she got up and walked downstairs and peaked to see what was going on.

Bright Mac: "Well Why would you let her talk to someone she doesn't know? You do remember what happened to Pear Butter right?" 

Granny Smith: "I mean I understand, But she's getting a little older now-" 

Bright Mac: "Well it doesn't mean she could talk to someone she doesn't know!" Bright mac said, Cutting off Granny Smith.

Granny Smith: "Cut me off one more time Young Man I will snack you with one of my flip flops! You may be a man but you ain't to old to get snacked." 

Bright Mac: "But what if something happens??!" Bright mac yelled, Applejack was a little startled by his yelling. It was kinda loud. 

Granny Smith: "Look nothing will happen, I already checked her phone. That person she's talking to doesn't seem suspicious at all. In fact, She's actually a very kind and loyal person." Granny Reassured. Bright Mac huffed.

Bright Mac: "That doesn't mean Anything! Ugh, I don't got time to argue! This needs to be put into a stop before the same thing that happened to Pear Butter happens to Applejack!" Bright Mac replied, Granny shook her head.

Granny Smith: "Look Bright Mac, She'll be fine. Plus I told her if anything goes wrong to tell me, Or possibly you. But other than that, She's fine."

Bright Mac: *sigh* "Mom, I don't have time for this. I'm going to watch some tv." Bright mac said, Then he went to the couch. Granny Smith sighed. Applejack thought for a moment; Was this her fault? Was it her fault that they both were arguing? She just shook her head, She went upstairs to go watch tv in her room. Suddenly, She had got a text from Rainbow. 

'Hey! Just bored so I decided to text you, How are you?'

'I'm good, How about you?'

'I'm good, Thanks.'

'No problem.'

'Is it normal for you to always check on your friends? Just wondering.'

'Oh..Well...I guess Sometimes. I don't do it often, I mostly do it to you though. Just because..I want to.'

Applejack blushed, That was very sweet. Guess she must be a person who 'You okay' people to death if she really care about them. But why did Applejack blush?

'Oh..Well that's nice. But anyway, Wanna get on a call?'


Applejack smiled, She loved talking to her. It made her feel happy, But little did she know, Rainbow felt the same way about her. Applejack then pressed the call button, Then Rainbow answered. 

Rainbow Dash: "Heyyy." Rainbow said as she made some type of face, Which made Applejack laugh. 

Applejack: "Hiiii." Applejack greeted back making the same face Rainbow made, Both of them laughed. 

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks."

Applejack: "For what?"

Rainbow Dash: "For making my day. Well..Night in this case. Just thank you..For making me smile and laugh."

Applejack blushed crimson, Rainbow must of noticed. It did cause her to giggle a bit.

Rainbow Dash: "I can see you blushing, Flustered Aren't Ya?"

Applejack: "I-..N-No."

Rainbow Dash: "You are, I can tell. You even sound like it." 

Applejack then thought about what happened earlier with Granny and Her dad. She wasn't gonna lie, She kinda was thinking that it was her fault. This would've never happened if she mentioned Rainbow. 

Rainbow Dash: "AJ? You Okay?" She heard Rainbow say, Which made her snap out of her thoughts. 

Applejack: "Oh...Yeah. I-I'm fine."

Rainbow Dash: "You Sure AJ? It looks like something is on your mind."

Applejack: "Yeah, I'm sure."

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, Just checking on you."

That was close, For a second she thought Rainbow wasn't gonna fall for her lie. But she did. Should she tell her? I mean..She trusts her a little bit. Just a little tiny bit. But she thinks she should keep it to herself, She didn't wanna make it no one else problems.

Rainbow Dash: "Soo...What do you wanna talk about?"

Applejack: "Uh..I don't know. You have anything?"

Rainbow Dash: "Nope."


Rainbow and Applejack eventually found something to talk about. They talked for a while, Sometimes they'd most likely do all nighters. Applejack seen that Rainbow was asleep. Applejack smiled and giggled lightly. But Applejack was still thinking about what happened earlier, Will this lead to a big fight? True, It didn't start off so bad but It could go bad soon at anytime. What will happen next? Applejack was to worried to go to sleep now, She didn't like seeing her family argue, That's why it scared her so much. She just slightly shook her head. She put her phone on the charger and all of her thoughts went away when she fell asleep.

                                                                                    To be continued...

Hey! Sorry the chapter is short again! But next one should be longer. Hope you enjoyed reading it though! :D

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