♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽♡

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Applejack was in her room playing on her phone peacefully. She did keep hearing her grandma and her dad talking, But she didn't pay attention to it. But she was curious. What were they talking about? 

From that point on, Her curiosity got the best of her. She had to go see what they were talking about. So she turned her phone off and got up to go by her Dad's room door. Once she reached there, She listened closely to what they were talking about. Her eyes widened in shock, What her dad said really shocked her. 

"My dad had told me it was unnatural..I loved the community, I really did. But I guess my Dad really got the best of me.." 

Applejack blinked in disbelief. The only thing she could do was get into deep thoughts. Why didn't she know this before? 

"So..My dad is homophobic..Because of this?" Applejack said in disbelief. Applejack face palmed, Maybe she should've let her dad tell her the reason instead of cutting him off. 

"Well it's best if you go and apologize to Applejack. And definitely apologize to Rainbow Dash and her father when you get a chance." Granny said, Emphasizing the word 'definitely' and 'and'. Bright Mac sighed lightly and nodded. And with that being said, Applejack went straight back to her room and sat right back on her bed and continued playing on her phone like nothing happened. 


"So, How are you gonna get me and AJ back together again?"

"We know where her house is Rainbow," Sunset started. "We can just go to her house and convince her dad to let you talk to her." Sunset explained. 

"Well..I guess it's a good idea. But before that, I have to convince my dad to let me." Rainbow said. Her friends gave her a confused look, "It wasn't just Rainbow's dad that told me to not talk to AJ again. It was my dad too. But he said it was only so I could stay away from Applejack's father." Rainbow explained. 

"Oh," Is all Twilight said. "Well..Since he said that...Maybe he'll probably let you?" Twilight said. 

"I'm sure he'll let me. But..What about Bright Mac? He was the one who started all of this. How will I convince him to talk to Applejack after he told me to not talk to her?" Rainbow said, slightly frowning. Rarity placed a hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"You're not doing this alone," Rarity said. "We're coming with you." Rarity reassured softly. Rainbow smiled a little.


"Of course we will! We're your best friends! You don't have to go through anything alone! If anything, We'll always be there! No matter what!" Pinkie exclaimed happily with a big grin. Rainbow giggled to avoid herself from crying and smiled. 

"Thanks girls," Rainbow said. "I'm glad I have friends like you." Rainbow sighed in content. 

"Trust me," Sunset said. "I'm sure he'll let you."


"Absolutely not!" 

"But dad, I really wanna talk to Applejack. Just to..You know...Set things right?" Rainbow said with slight fear in her voice. 

"I'm Sorry Rainbow Dash, But I cannot send you to her house with that..I don't even know." Bow said shaking his head. 

"Please Mr. Bow! All we wanna do is get them back together!" Pinkie exclaimed. 

"Yeah," Sunset spoke. "I know you don't wanna send her there with Bright Mac. But she's only there to set things right with Applejack and...this whole thing. They can't be separated like this forever." Sunset said. 

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now