♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺♡

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Applejack was in Granny Smith's room with Granny. Applejack bit her lip nervously, How will this go? Should she tell her about her crush? But the thing she was really hoping for was for her dad not to find out. Because if he did, It's not gonna be good. 

Granny Smith: "So Tell me about your crush. Is it a boy or a girl?" Granny asked, Granny wasn't that type of person to judge people who they love; It didn't matter if they were the same gender or different genders. Granny knows that Applejack is a lesbian. But she still asked if it was a boy or a girl. She was just curious. 

Applejack: "Well..It's a girl." Applejack said.

Granny Smith: "Alright, Well that's totally fine. So, What's her name? Have I met her?" 

Applejack: "Well...You haven't met her in person, But I had told you about her.." Applejack reassured, Granny raised a eyebrow.

Granny Smith: "What do you mean?" She asked in confusion, Applejack hesitated for a bit. True, Granny Smith is a very understanding person. But Rainbow isn't a person Applejack had seen in person. If they were in a relationship online, That wouldn't really work out if you ask her. 

Applejack: "Well...Her name is.." Applejack trailed off.

Granny Smith: "Now come on Applejack, You know it don't matter who it is. You can tell me." Granny Smith reassured in a soft voice, Applejack's eyes widened. 

Applejack: "Really?" Applejack asked, Granny chuckled.

Granny Smith: "Of course, It don't matter who it is Applejack. Just tell me." True, Granny smith said anyone but Rainbow Dash is a person she met online. Granny probably wouldn't even allow that would she? She just sighed.

Applejack: "Promise you won't get mad?"

Granny Smith: "Yes." Applejack took a deep breath.

Applejack: "Well..Her name is-"

Applebloom: "HEY GUYS! WHAT YA'LL TALKING ABOUT!?" Applebloom said, Bursting into Granny's bedroom. As always. 

Granny Smith: "Really Applebloom?"

Applebloom: "Uh Yeah! I just wanna know." Applebloom said, Granny shook her head. 

Granny Smith: "Just tell me later Applejack. Right now we need to finish packing a little bit. We're moving next Friday." Granny said, Applejack sighed in relief and nodded. 


Rainbow Dash: "So you're actually moving to Canterlot?!

Applejack: "Yeah! We started packing today. We're moving next Friday."

Rainbow Dash: "That's so awesome! We should totally try to meet each other...If your comfortable." 

Applejack: "Yeah, It's fine. But how?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Somehow. I'll wait until your fully moved then we could meet. Sounds good?" Rainbow suggested. 

Applejack: "Yeah, That's good."

Rainbow Dash: "Alright."

Rainbow and Applejack talked all night. They both just so excited to meet each other; That's if it's possible. They have never felt this happy in their life. But Applejack meant to ask her what school did she go to. Applejack didn't even know what school she was getting transferred to. 

Rainbow Dash: "And they literally teased me just for saying that! So I just told them shut up and logged off the game. Simple as that." Rainbow said, Applejack tried not to laugh. But the way sh said her statement made her laugh. Rainbow couldn't help but laugh too, Even though to her it wasn't funny at all. In fact, It was annoying that she had gotten teased by her friends. Especially Pinkie.

Applejack: "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! The way you said it was just too funny."

Rainbow Dash: "It's okay, It actually seemed funny to me too. Even though it wasn't. But..How do you feel about moving to a new school?" Rainbow asked, Applejack wasn't expecting that question. But she answered it.

Applejack: "Well, I'm sad that I have I have to leave my friends. Even though I don't really talk to them. But I'm kinda scared of going to a new school."

Rainbow Dash: "How come your scared?"

Applejack: "I mean..I don't know. I just am." Applejack lied. The real reason was; She was afraid she would get bullied. 

Rainbow Dash: "AJ, You know you could tell me. But..I'm not gonna force you, If you don't want to you don't have to."

Applejack: "Well...I guess it's just because I'm afraid of getting bullied like I do now." 

Rainbow Dash: "It's gonna be okay Applejack, Just remember that your beautiful, Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't listen to what other people say about you, Just listen to your heart. That's all." Rainbow told her, Applejack blushed at Rainbow's compliment. 

Applejack: "Really?"

Rainbow Dash: "Really. You know I'm telling the truth. I would never lie to you, Just know that if you need to talk to me you can. At any time. I don't care how early or late it is." Rainbow said with a smile. Applejack smiled back at her. 

Applejack: "Thanks Dash."

Rainbow Dash: "Don't say it, You know I mean it."

                                                                                                  To be continued...

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