♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻♡

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Today was the day. The day The Apples were moving to Canterlot. Applejack was excited. But Applebloom, Not so excited. But she was excited at the same time. Applejack just hoped her new school wouldn't be so bad. 

Right now, She was packing the last things she had remaining in her room and putting it onto a moving truck. They were riding on a train to Canterlot. Yes, A train. Only because the ride was gonna be very long. The moving truck was gonna ride with them to the train station. Applejack went outside and got into the car. 

Granny Smith: "You guys ready?" Granny asked, Applebloom and Applejack nodded. They got a chance to say goodbye to their friends. 

Granny Smith: "Alright then. Let's roll.



Rainbow Dash: "Really? That's awesome!"

Rarity: "Yes Darling, That is certainly amazing. Do you know her name?"

Pinkie Pie: "No, They didn't say the name." Pinkie said.

Fluttershy: "Well, I would love to meet her. I hope she's nice."

Twilight: "I'm sure she is Fluttershy." Twilight reassured. 

Rarity: "Did they say when she was coming?"

Pinkie Pie: "Nope, They didn't say." Pinkie said. 

Twilight: "Well I guess we'll find out when she comes." Twilight said.


It's been a day. Yes, A day. Since Applejack and her family were on the train. Only 10 more hours to go. The ride was the total of 34 hours. 

Applebloom: "Are we there yet??" Applebloom asked, Unamused. 

Bright Mac: "No Applebloom, We're not gonna be there any time soon. We have 10 more hours left."

Applebloom: "Oh come on! Why is this ride so long!?" Applebloom pouted. 

Granny Smith: "Calm down Yougin', We're gonna be there soon." Granny reassured. 

Applebloom: "That's what ya'll said yesterday. And look, We're still on this dang train after a day!"

Applejack: "Calm down Sugarcube, It's not our fault Canterlot is so far." Applejack reassured.

Applebloom: "But is there a specific reason why we're moving there??" 

Granny Smith: "Well, Because it's a good place. That's all I have for ya. I did some research on Canterlot anyway." Granny said. 

Applebloom: "Oh...Alright then."


It's been 34 hours, They were finally at Canterlot. Canterlot was a big place, Applebloom was amazed by it. 

Applebloom: "Woah! This place is so amazing!" Applebloom said in awe, Applejack giggled. 

Applejack: "Well you ain't lying." Applejack said with a smile. 

The Apple Family arrived to their new house, It was a farm of course. Pretty much like their old house, except it's a lot bigger. They went inside, The house was big. It had a clean carpet floor, The living room was big, The kitchen was about medium sized. They had a table with four chairs; For Granny, Bright Mac, Applejack and Applebloom. As you may know, Big mac has his own house in canterlot. The dining room table was apart of the living room, But it was put to the corner. 

Applejack went in her room and unpacked some of her stuff, She was gonna unpack most of her stuff and she would also do some tomorrow. Turns out she goes to school on Monday; Which is next week. Applejack was nervous, But she's not that nervous due to what Rainbow told her yesterday. Applejack smiled at the thought of Rainbow, How caring and loving she was. But then yesterday came to mind, When Granny had asked her who her crush was. She was still nervous, Granny had said 'We'll talk about this later' Meaning she was telling the truth. Granny may be old but she's not a person who forgets easily. 

'How would she feel if I tell her my crush is Rainbow Dash?'

                                                                                           To be continued...

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