♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷♡

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A/N: i finally made a long chapter! Yay! :) Hope you enjoy it!!

Applebloom: "We're Actually Moving!? Where!?" Applebloom asked eagerly. She was excited but also upset. She has friends here and she didn't wanna leave them. Applejack on the other hand didn't care where she moved to, She had friends but barley talked to them. She didn't claim them as her best friends, They were just her friends. 

Bright Mac: "We're moving to a place called Canterlot. Don't worry, You guys will love it there." Bright mac said. 

Applebloom: "And how far is it from here?" Applebloom asked.

Bright mac: "Not sure how long it is from here but it's more then 8 hours away from here is what I heard."

Applebloom: "More than 8 hours!? But how am I gonna see my friends again!?"

Bright Mac: "Don't worry, You'll see your friends eventually. We're moving in 2 months. I still didn't tell the people that own the moving truck yet. We actually don't know completely if we're moving or not. We still gotta check with Big mac, If we're moving he'll be most likely be moving too." Bright mac exclaimed, Applebloom and Applejack nodded. They both had went upstairs to their rooms. Applejack was in her room looking at the ceiling; She was thinking. What would Canterlot be like? Is it really a good place? She just shrugged and grabbed her phone that was on the charger. She decided to text Rainbow, That was the only person she really wanted to talk to. So she just went on Instagram and called her, She answered a couple of seconds later. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Applejack, Everything okay?"

Applejack: "Yeah, Everything is fine. I just got finished eating dinner and my dad had told me that we were moving."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Really? Where To? If you don't mind me asking."

Applejack: "Oh. Somewhere far from where I live. He said that we were moving to Canterlot."

Rainbow Dash: 'Wait Seriously??"

Applejack: "Yeah.."

Rainbow Dash: "Hey! That's where I live!"

Applejack was shocked, Her online friend actually lived in Canterlot. And that's where she was moving too. This was quite exciting. 

Applejack: "For real?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah!"

Applejack: "That's cool! Maybe we should meet up sometime. Well..That's if your comfortable. And I'm not sure if I'm moving yet though."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Okay. And we can meet up, But let's not get our hopes up. We don't know if your actually moving yet."

Applejack: "Yeah, You're Right."


Applejack and Rainbow talked all day, Well Night in this case. Rainbow opened up to Applejack a bit, Not to much. Just a little, Rainbow felt comfortable talking to Applejack. She had almost cried talking about her past, But she's alright. Which is a good thing. Applejack didn't say anything about her past yet, she felt like she needed to know. She wanted to get it off her chest, Even though it would always affect her in any type of way; As far as getting upset or angry easily.

Rainbow Dash: "And well...I got bullied at school. A lot. Mostly for my hair and my eyes. And I still do, but I'm okay though. I'm actually kinda used to it."

Applejack: "I'm sorry to hear that, Dash. But It's gonna be okay, They're just jealous of you. And they clearly don't see the amazing person you are."

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