♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶♡

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Applejack woke up this morning with a headache. She didn't know why though, Well she did hear noise in the middle of the night. The noise of...Her elders. She shook her head and just got up to get ready for the day. After getting ready, (As an took a shower, Brushed her teeth, Washed her face, Brushed her hair, Etc.) . She went to go do her chores, Applebloom also helped her out on some chores, But other than that they had their own chores to do. 

Applebloom: "Applejack? Is everything alright?" Applebloom asked in a concerned tone, She must've seen that Applejack was thinking about something. 

Applejack: "Yes...Everything is alright."

Applebloom: "Ya Sure?" Applebloom asked, She had a worried look on her face. Applejack sighed and nodded.

Applejack: "I'm Sure." She replied, Applebloom just nodded and continued doing her chores. Applejack couldn't get what happened yesterday out of her head, She needed someone to talk to. But who should she talk to?

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Rainbow was currently at Sunset's house playing a video game with her, Rainbow Dash was winning. It was currently the afternoon right now. Then the game had ended, Rainbow won.

Rainbow Dash: "Yes! I won! Take that Sunset!" Rainbow shouted in victory, Sunset smirked.

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah Right, Just know just because you won don't mean I'm not a pro at this game."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Yeah? Well it turns out that I'm better than a 'pro'"

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah Whatever, Next time I'll make sure I win!" Sunset said confidently.

Rainbow Dash: "Heh, Alright. We'll see." Rainbow smirked.

Sunset Shimmer: "So, How are you and your 'girlfriend' ?" Sunset asked with a smirk, Rainbow's eyes widened. 

Rainbow Dash: "Seriously?! She's not my girlfriend! She's just my friend!" 

Sunset Shimmer: "You know I was just teasing you Dash. But Seriously, The question required an answer." Sunset reassured with a slight chuckle. 

Rainbow Dash: "It's going good Sunset, I finally got to know what she looked like and got to know her better." Rainbow said with a smile, Sunset snickered.

Rainbow Dash: "What? Something funny?" 

Sunset Shimmer: "Nothings Funny Dash." Sunset said, Rainbow groaned. 

Rainbow Dash: "I swear you girls are the devil." 

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Applejack was currently eating dinner with her sister, Her grandmother and her father, Her father had something to tell her after they were finished eating. She was curious about what it was, She hoped it had nothing to do with Rainbow. That scared her. Why? Because her dad might make her stop talking to her and she didn't wanna stop talking to her. Rainbow was loyal, kind, honest, intelligent, talented. She was just..Awesome. Well we all know that, As much as she like to brag about being awesome. 

She was now finished with her dinner, Granny had went upstairs while Applejack, Applebloom and Bright Mac stayed downstairs.

Applebloom: "So what do you wanna talk to us about dad?" Applebloom asked. 

Bright Mac: "Well girls, We've been in Arizona for years. Which both of you already know."

AJ and AB: "Mhm."

Bright Mac: "So...Me and Granny Smith had a talk while you girls were playing outside. We've decided that....*sigh* "We're Moving..."

                                                                                     To be continued....

Yes, Cliffhanger. Not really but yeah. I didn't make it long because I don't have time. But I will update on other stories later and maybe write another chapter on this story. In the meantime, Hope you enjoyed it! :)

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now