♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽♡

265 9 18

Applejack was waking on the sidewalk with a smile on her face. Today was a great day, Well except the fact that she got bullied for her accent. But that was only one time out of the day. She was now at home, She opened the door. She seen her sister doing some Just dance, But she didn't see her Grandmother. She chuckled lightly, Obviously she was sleeping. Then she seen her dad sitting at the dining room table eating something. She smiled, She walked up to her dad and kissed him on the cheek.

Applejack: "Hey Dad." Applejack said with a grin, Her dad looked at her and smiled.

Bright Mac: "Hey Applejack, How was school? I'm just assuming that it was good." Bright Mac said with a smirk, Applejack chuckled.

Applejack: "Well Yes, It was good. I met my online friend!" Applejack cheered.

BM and AB: "You What?!"

Applejack: "I met my online friend. It was kinda a coincidence since well...I didn't know she went to Canterlot High.." Applejack said.

Bright Mac: "So...She's-"

Applejack: "She's not evil Dad. She's not what you think, She's a real friend. Trust me." Applejack reassured, Bright mac just sighed and smiled.

Bright Mac: "Alright, If you say so. Guess I was overreacting."

Applejack: "No you weren't. You just trying to protect me, But I'm fine okay?" Applejack said in a gentle voice, Her dad nodded.

Bright Mac: "Alright."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Applejack had just got finished eating her dinner, She was going upstairs to her room until someone had called her name. She turned around to see who was calling her; It was Granny Smith.

Applejack: "Yes?"

Granny Smith: "Come on, Remember what we talked about before we moved?" Granny asked, Applejack's eyes widened. Oh. Yeah.

Applejack: "Oh..Right." Applejack said. She followed Granny Smith to her room and closed the door behind her, Then she sat on Granny Smith's bed.

Granny Smith: "So..About your crush, Who is it?" She asked. Applejack took a deep breath before answering. Let's see how this goes.

Applejack: "It's Rainbow Dash." Applejack answered. Granny's eyes widened. Applejack bit her lip, Waiting for what Granny was about to do. But surprisingly, Granny gave her a soft smile.

Granny Smith: "Now why didn't you just say that the first time? That's all you had to say." Granny said.

Applejack: "I thought you'd get mad since..She's my online friend and all. Well..Not really. I seen her at school today." Applejack said.

Granny Smith: "Wait..You did?" Granny asked in shock, Applejack nodded.

Applejack: "Yeah. It was kinda a coincidence. I didn't know she went to Canterlot." Applejack replied, Granny smiled.

Granny Smith: "Now ain't that sweet. But even if she was still your online friend, I wouldn't be mad. I mean, It's just a crush. You can have a crush on anyone Applejack, I'll always love you. No matter who you like." Granny reassured, Applejack smiled and hugged Granny.

Applejack: "Thanks Granny."

Granny Smith: "You're Welcome. Now you need to get some sleep, You have school tomorrow." Granny said, Applejack chuckled.

Applejack: "Okay, Goodnight Granny."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash, Rainbow was playing a video game; As always. With Pinkie Pie and her two other friends. The same people that were teasing her about Applejack. She rolled her eyes at the thought, She swore those 3 were the most annoying people in the world. But she then smiled at the thought of Applejack. The fact she met her in person today was like..A dream come true. She snapped out of her thoughts when she realized her face was hot, She was blushing. Her eyes widened, She looked at her screen and seen that she lost.

"Oh Come On, Dash! You made us lose the game!"

Rainbow Dash: "Sorry! I was just...I was just thinking about Applejack!" She blurted out. She then heard some laughs come from her friends. She was about to ask what they were laughing but then her eyes widened when she realized what she just had said out loud. 

Pinkie Pie: "Oh Really Dashie~? You falling in love with someone huh?" 

Rainbow Dash: "W-What! I-I no I-"

"Quit denying it Dash, We all know you do. You can't even get her out of your mind." 

Pinkie Pie: "Right. Haven't you seen the look on your face when you told us that Applejack was the new student in our school?" Pinkie asked.

"Wait what?"

Pinkie Pie: "Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you. There's a new student that came to our school and Applejack was that person!" Pinkie said.

"Woah, That's really a miracle!" One of their friends said, Rainbow blushed. 

Pinkie Pie: "I bet Rainbow likes you back, Dashie." Pinkie said, Rainbow sighed.

Rainbow Dash: "Sure. I doubt it." Rainbow said emotionless. 

"Hey, Don't think like that. I'm sure she does. You guys really suit together to be honest, Even though I have no idea what she looks like or what she's like. But you talk to her a lot, You guys are pretty close." 

Pinkie Pie: "She's not lying Rainbow. Just confess when your ready, She did say that she was a lesbian too right?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yes."

Pinkie Pie: "Well then she likes you back. Trust what I'm telling you." Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright...If you say so Pinkie." 


Rainbow and Applejack were on the phone, They were talking about having a sleepover this weekend. Rainbow still didn't tell her parents that she had met Applejack in person, Which was something she was planning to do sooner or later.

Applejack: "So this weekend it is?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yup!" Rainbow said with a smile, Applejack giggled. As soon as Rainbow heard her giggled, She immediately blushed. But why did she blush? That was a question she wanted to know for a while. She has been blushing ever since she met Applejack, But had no clue why. 

Applejack: "Rainbow? You okay?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash: "Oh, Yes! I'm fine...I was just..Lost in thought."

Applejack: "What were you thinking about?" Applejack asked, Rainbow's eyes widened and she blushed again. This time her cheeks were red instead of pink.

Rainbow Dash: "Uh..N-Nothing Important Applejack." Rainbow lied, Applejack knew she was lying. But she just shrugged.

Applejack: "If you say so Rainbow." Applejack said. 

'Do I have a crush on Applejack?'

                                                                                       To be continued...

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