♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸♡

245 12 11

Applejack's POV:

I don't understand. Why does this have to happen to me? Why can't my dad accept the way Rainbow is? But the main question that needs to be answered is..Why is my dad homophobic? Ugh, These thoughts are getting on my last nerves. I shook my head to get these crazy thoughts out of my head. Then I realized something, Today was Saturday. Maybe I should invite Rainbow over? But then I remembered what my dad said. But I mean, I could just ask Granny? She'd say yes. I got up and went to my grandma's room, I seen that she was in her rocking chair reading a book.

"Um, Granny?"

"Yes Applejack?" She replied. She turned her gaze to me.

"Uh..Can Rainbow Dash come over and spend the night?" I asked. Granny smiled.

"Of course she can. Just let me tell your dad so he'll be-" 

Third Person POV:

"No!" Applejack yelled, "I-I mean...N-No need. I-I could tell him myself." Applejack lied. Granny just shrugged.

"If you say so Applejack," Granny said. "But you gotta also ask her parents to see if it's okay with them." Granny said. Applejack nodded with a grin on her face.

"I will!" Applejack said happily. She went to her bedroom and called Rainbow Dash, Ho hesitation. 


'Hey Rainbow Dash! Do you have plans today?' Applejack asked. She smiled when she heard a giggle come from Rainbow Dash.

'I was gonna ask you the same thing. But no, I don't have plans today. What's up?'

'Nothing, Just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over for a sleepover at my house?'

'Sure! I had already took a shower and stuff. But had no idea what I was gonna do, So I should be there in like..10 minutes.' 

'Okay! Sounds good. See ya then!'

'See ya AJ!'

The call ended. Applejack went back to her grandmothers room with a grin on her face. 

"Rainbow is coming over today!" Applejack said happily. Granny chuckled softly.

"Someone's excited." Granny said with a smirk and a wink. Applejack blushed slightly, She knew exactly what that wink meant. 

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Applejack heard a knock on the door. She went downstairs to go see who it was. She stood on her tippy toes a bit to look in the peep hole (Yup, She's that short. If ya'll forgot, She's 4'9. Rainbow is 5'2) She grinned widely.

"It's Rainbow Dash!" Applejack exclaimed happily. She opened the door and hugged Rainbow tightly. 

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said. Rainbow smiled and hugged Applejack back. 

"Hey Applejack." Rainbow said. Applejack broke the hug and smiled at her. 

"Wanna play a video game? I connected it to my tv." Applejack asked. Rainbow smiled and nodded.

"Sure! Let's go!"

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing on the video game for a while. Applejack's eyes widened when she heard foot steps that were coming upstairs. 

Her dad.

"Rainbow! Hide!"

"Why-" Before Rainbow could say anything else, Applejack took the remote from Rainbow and made her hide under the bed. 

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