♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾♡

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(A/N: Hey Ya'll, Sorry about the last chapter. That chapter was shorter than i thought it would be. But don't worry, Another chapter is on it's way, Which is this one! Enjoy!!)

It was now 6:45pm, So now it's 3:45pm in Arizona so she could text Applejack now. She laid on her stomach on her bed and turned her phone on and went to Instagram. Then she text her this:

'Hey! So my parents talked to me about this situation, And they said that I could call you!'

She smiled and turned her phone off. While waiting, She decided to just play video games. 5 minutes later, Her phone went off. She went to go see where the notification was from, It was on Instagram. From Applejack. 

'Oh Yay! That's Amazing! Alright so...When are we doing this?'

'Um, I don't know. Do you wanna do it now or?' 

Rainbow patiently waited for Applejack to respond, It took some time. Guess she was thinking. A minute later, She replied with; 

'I guess so.'

'Okay, Ready?'



Rainbow hesitated for a little bit, She never did this before. Should she do it? I mean she was soo eager to see what she looked like. So she just took a quick breath and then pressed the call button. It took some time for her to answer but eventually she did. But they didn't see each other faces. Yet. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hello?"

Applejack: "Hey, Is this Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, Is this Applejack?"

Applejack: "Yes."

Rainbow's eyes widen, Applejack had an Country accent. She thought it was kinda cute. Then she had realized that she realized that she wasn't showing her face yet. Both phones were facing the ceiling...That's because they were kinda shy. But just didn't admit it. So Rainbow showed her face with a smile. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh Come On, Can you show your face? Pleasee?"

Applejack: "Whyy? I'm too shy."

Rainbow Dash: "Come on, Just one time? Pleasee?"

For some reason, Rainbow felt butterflies in her stomach once she heard Applejack laugh. That was kinda strange, She never felt that way before. 

Applejack: "No can do, I don't want to."

Rainbow Dash: "Pleaseee??"

Rainbow giggled in happiness, This was fun for her. I guess it isn't so bad talking to Applejack. 

Applejack: "Fine, I'll do it."

And with that, She did. She showed her face. She had Bright Emerald Eyes, Tan skin, She also had freckles on her face and she had blonde hair with a stetson on top of it. Rainbow thought she was pretty, Very Pretty. 

Rainbow Dash: "See? That wasn't so bad. You look cute. Like really cute."

Applejack: "Stop complimenting me, I catch feelings easily." She said with a slight giggle in her voice. 

Rainbow Dash: "What do you mean by you catch feelings easily?"

Applejack: "Oh...It's nothing really...Just a strangle feeling I guess."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Rainbow and Applejack talked all day, They both had fun. They didn't tell anything personal, Yet. Rainbow was just doing something that made Applejack laugh. Rainbow was actually funny in Applejack's opinion. 

Rainbow Dash: "You're Really Short." Rainbow said with a smirk. 

Applejack: "Shut up! Everybody calls me short, I've heard enough!"

"Applejack!! What are you doing??" A young country accent was heard.

Applejack: "Applebloom? What are you doing in here?"

Applebloom: "Noothiinnngg! Just seeing what your doing. Who you talking to? Your girlfriend?"

Applejack: "What? No! Applebloom...Just get out."

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Don't do that to her, She's Adorable."

Applebloom: *gasp* She said I was adorable!! Yay!" Applebloom said, Then she ran out of her sisters room and went downstairs. Rainbow and Applejack chuckled.

Rainbow Dash: "Your sister is cute."

Applejack: "Heh, I know. She's also way too curious."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

It's now 2:30am, In Canterlot Of course. In Arizona, It's 11:30pm. Rainbow and Applejack were still on the phone. Yes, They sure were. They had some late night conversations, They were just talking about random stuff. They started to get comfortable around each other. 

Applejack: "Alright Rainbow, I'ma go to bed now. I'm a bit tired."

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, I'ma go to bed too."

Applejack: "Okay, Goodnight."

Rainbow Dash: "Goodnight."

And with that being said, The call finally ended. Rainbow smiled to herself, She had a fun day today. She got to know Applejack a little more, She felt comfortable around so she was able to show off her goofy side. But there was one problem, She lived so far away. Arizona is literally 34 hours away from her. But it didn't stop her from having fun with her new friend. Maybe they could become Best friends. We'll have to see, Wait till she tell Pinkie and the others. Or should she?..

                                                                                          To be continued...

So there's the chapter! Sorry it was out later then I expected. But i hope you enjoyed it! :) Comment your opinions!

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