♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸♡

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Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were just playing a bored game, Rainbow Dash was winning of course. it is now the end of the bored game, Rainbow won.

Rainbow Dash: "Aha! I won!" Rainbow shouted in victory, Pinkie rolled her eyes playfully.

Pinkie Pie: "Of Course, You always win. But good job." Pinkie said, Rainbow smiled.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks Pinkie." She said.

Pinkie Pie: "No problem- *gasp* Ouu! I think you got a notification! I wanna go see!!" 

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie! Hand me the Phone!" Rainbow shouted in a irritated tone.

Pinkie Pie: "No Can do, Dashiee! Hehehe!!" Pinkie said giggling. 

Rainbow Dash: "Seriously, Give me the phone! Or I'm changing my password!!"

Pinkie Pie: "Too Late, Dashie! So it says 'Applejack Apple Has Started Following You.' Oooo!! Dashie has a girlfrienddd!!"

Rainbow Dash: "PINKIE! Stoppp!- Wait...she did what??" 

Pinkie Pie: "Applejack Apple has Started following You. Did you hear that right?" Pinkie asked with a smirk, She said the first 6 words slowly. Rainbow's eyes widen. That was unexpected. 

Rainbow Dash: "Hand me the Phone, Pinkie." She said, Pinkie did what she was told. Rainbow went to Instagram and she was right. This person did follow her, It made her smile for some odd reason. 

Pinkie Pie: "Yup, Dashie has a girlfriend." Pinkie said smirking. That made Rainbow shot up and she glared at her.

Rainbow Dash: "PINKIE!!" She yelled, Pinkie giggled. Rainbow just decided to text her this:

"Hey! Thanks For Following me! I Appreciate it!" 

Then after that, She followed her back. She felt like this girl was...Very kind? Well, she didn't know the truth yet. She didn't know this girl. She doesn't even know what she looks like. But then again, her parents are strict. They wouldn't let her talk to a person she didn't know. 

Pinkie Pie: "Hey Rainbow, Somebody replied to your message on Instagram!! Can I check it out-"

Rainbow Dash: "No Pinkie!" She yelled playfully with a slight chuckle in her voice. Pinkie giggled along with her. Rainbow grabbed her phone to check what notification she got and this is what she saw. 

She texted back. 

She went on Instagram and This is what she said:

"You're Welcome! And By the way, what's your height? If you don't mind me asking. You seem kinda tall compared to me"

Rainbow smiled at the message, She didn't mind answering her question. She replied with:

"I don't mind answering, I'm 5'5! How about you?"

"Oh, You're definitely taller than me. I'm only 5'2." 

"Woah, she must be really cute to be that height" She said in her head. 

Rainbow Dash: "Wait..What did I just say?" she asked herself quietly.

Pinkie Pie: "I don't know, What did you say?" Pinkie asked out of the blue, Being the same energetic person she is.

Rainbow Dash: "Uh..N-Nothing Pinkie. Nothing important...Just was saying something in my head. It's not important though." Rainbow lied.

Pinkie Pie: "Oh! Did you say 'Woah, She must be really cute to be that height' ? And you said that because she was only 5'2??" Pinkie asked, Rainbow's jaw dropped. How did she know that?

Rainbow Dash: "Wait what- where- How did you- How did you know that?" Rainbow asked in disbelief. 

Pinkie Pie: "I don't know I just know, Must of been Pinkie sense." She said, Then she giggled. Rainbow shook her head, Pinkie sure was something. But then she remembered she was texting someone. She went back to Instagram and text her back.

"Yup, You sure are short. But I'm Rainbow Dash, What's your name? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm Applejack, Applejack Apple."

Rainbow went into thoughts. She thought that name was....cute? She don't know why she thought that but it was the first thing on her mind when she said what her name was.

"Oh, That's a nice name!"

"Thanks, Yours Too."

"Thank you!"

"No Problem!"

Rainbow thought of something she could ask her, Nothing to personal but something. 

"So, Can you tell me about yourself?"

"Sure. I'm Applejack, And I'm 15 years old. I have two siblings, One older one and one younger sibling."

"Wow, You're really short to be a 15 year old."

"Oh, Shut up. Even my friends can't stop saying that."

"Hehe, Well it's true. But Anyway, My name Is Rainbow Dash. And I really love soccer, I'm 16 years old. And I have no siblings, I'm the only child."

These two were texting like, All day. While Pinkie watched what they were saying, You know...That is Pinkie for ya. It may not seem fun but it was fun to her. She kept assuming they were a thing. And Rainbow kept denying it. Rainbow started getting comfortable around her, she thought she could trust her. But she didn't know that for sure. Yet. 

                                                                                       To Be continued...

So this story is Officially Back On! But this will be the only chapter published until "Love Of Tomorrow" Is finished. Hope you enjoyed it! :)

♥𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚂♥Where stories live. Discover now