chapter twenty-five: a kiss in the moonlight

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"a kiss in the moonlight"

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"a kiss in the moonlight"

"a kiss in the moonlight"

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the moonlight cast a pale glow, bleaching the world in shades of grey. everything seemed distant, lifeless as if the night itself was too exhausted to care. levi carried you away from the lounge, his steps careful but steady, as if he was the only thing keeping you tethered to the ground.

finally, he set you down on a staircase overlooking the quiet town below, the streets empty, the stars hidden behind thin, black clouds.

you sat side by side, not speaking, like you were trying to convince yourselves that there was still beauty in the night.

"woah...everything's spinning," you muttered, your head swaying."like that movie...inception. it's all coming right at me," your tone trailed off, weak, as the world around you continued its relentless, dizzying dance.

levi noticed your dress slowly creeping up your thighs and panicked.

"h-hey, brat! your dress is rolling up!"

"ah, who cares," you shrugged, your words spilling out carelessly."i'm wearing underwear..." there was no energy left in you to be embarrassed. everything felt so far away, like you were watching it happen to someone else.

despite his annoyance, the president stripped himself off his blazer, and gently draped it over your legs, the weight of it somethinghow grounding you.

"i'm sorry. it's your birthday...and i completely ruined it..."

"i don't care," he dismissed, the response coming fast with a mix of irritation yet something softer, something you couldn't quite place."do you have such little self-awareness? why did you drink so much?"

you let out a hollow laugh, but there was no joy in it, only the aching truth you couldn't hide anymore." broke my heart."

levi's soul fell silent at your response.

"and...i had to try and find a way to get over you." your voice wavered, as if expressing it out loud would somehow make it hurt less. but it didn't. it never did.

IF HAPPY EVER AFTER DID EXIST; levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now