Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader

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A sigh passed your lips as you waited for the mass spec to give you the results. Dr Hodgins was distracted with something you were unable to help with and the lack of things to do was getting dull. Mentally you chided yourself for being bored during a murder investigation, but it was getting difficult to ignore the mounting boredom as you span around in your chair.

Cam leaving the bone room piqued your interest, the amused but also slightly annoyed look on her face letting you know that Mr Nigel-Murray was still inside. A smile spread over your face as you practically ran to the room. Vincent was annoying at the best of times, but some non-relevant facts might be just what the doctor ordered.

The cute Brit was muttering away to himself, unable to keep quiet even when no one else was in the room. He hadn't noticed your presence in the door way yet, allowing you to watch him flounder over the bones. They had been struggling to find cause of death, he was no doubt beating himself up about it. He really strove for Dr Brennan's approval something that the cool woman seemed unwilling to give to him.

"Oh!" The brit had finally noticed your presence a slight blush on his cheeks. Slowly you made your way over to the table, eyes studying the newly pristine bones.

"Still no cause of death?" You asked knowing full well that he hadn't found one yet. Shaking his head, he leant back down to the bones, brow furrowing. It seemed no matter how long he stared at the injuries he couldn't determine what had killed the young man. The nicks on the ribs where an old injury and the stress to the spine only indicated that he was hunched over a desk for many hours of the day.

A strand of black hair flopped in front of his face; the growing length of his hair was starting to be a hindrance. Not short enough that it didn't get in the way, not lomg enough that he could put it up.

Without thinking you reached around him, delicately tucking the strange behind his ear, finger tips brushing his skin ever so slightly. A hot blush flooded your cheeks as you realised what you had done. Shock painted the young man's features, his blue eyes starring endlessly into your face. Which now was only centimetres away from his own. Clearing your throat, you took a step back, eyes searching for anywhere to look that wasn't the squinterns face.

"D-did you know that the sense of touch is the first to develop in humans at about 8 weeks into the gestation period," His warm voice filled the room, the normal excitement he felt at relaying a fact replaced by a waver. "Touch also stimulates the brain to release e-endorphins."

"Um, That's yep." Without another word you left the bone room, praying that the mass spec had finished analysing the particulates. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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