Charles Xavier x Reader

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 "Please Charles!" You moaned to the man next to you who was trying to read that morning paper. His eyes flicked to you before a aggravated sigh left his lips.

"No (Y/N)." You wined and let your shoulders sag. Pouting and giving your best puppy dog eyes, you tried to convince him. He didn't even look at you before muttering firmly.



"Why not?" You persisted following the man to his office. Opening the door Charles stepped inside grabbing a bunch of finished paper work from his desk.

"Because I don't want to." You groaned and folded your arms almost glaring at the man.

You'll say it by the end of the week. You thought determined.

"Not bloody likely."


"Oh Charles!" It was Sunday the last day before the end of your bet, and you knew just how to get him to say it. You were rather proud of this plan actually and with the professor turning around it was time to put it into motion.

"(Y/N)," He sighed running a hand through his hair, "I'm not going to say it." You nodded and gave you best sorry face.

"I know, I'm sorry," he frowned, he didn't trust this. " Its just, I like it when you say it." You blushed, making a small blush form on his own cheeks.

Though sometimes annoying, Charles thought you were absolutely adorable. He loved you, and even though he could read your mind to find out if you reciprocated his feelings, he never would. He couldn't break your trust.

Surging forward you placed a soft kiss on Charles cheek, "Once again, sorry" you muttered internally smirking about how well your plan was working.

"I-It's fine," Charles saw the warm smile on your face and sighed.

He never thought he'd do this,


You giggled at the word, something Charles found tremendously cute. You just loved the way he said it.

Going to plant another kiss on his cheek you gasped as Charles turned to make his lips hit yours, he kissed you gently, just how you thought he would, how you wanted him too.

Pulling away he softly spoke on your lips,

"I love you (Y/N),"

"I love you too Charles,"

He smiled and ran his fingers through your hair,

"Well isn't that just Groovy?" 

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